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Cultural Conflicts

During Clinton’s era, there was a spectacular economic growth, despite diverse drawbacks. This owes to rapid growth in inventions and innovations in the 1990s. These developments ushered in intense industrial revolution, leading to increase in production, especially in higher technology production. Manufacturing industries became unpopular, and the emphasis shifted to the technology oriented industries, due to reduced costs of production and high quality products (Foner 670).

The invention of computer in information technology field had a great contribution to the resurgence of the economy. It had successful results in use of internet, as it provided a suitable and wider circulation of information and expanding the market. Trading also became easier and faster across the globe. The end of the Cold War and the Clinton`s efforts to create healthy international integration enlarged the market volume, leading to increased production in industries, due to a wide and reliable market (Foner 670).


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It was a period when the US was experiencing rapid technological and economic changes, so the people’s way of life was changing progressively. Technological development in making weapons and social conflicts led to the increased level of crime. At first, it was mostly found among political rivals, but with time lawlessness spread also to the public. There was a dramatic schism and change that transformed America’s political and cultural atmosphere.

“America was founded and grew on the basis of Christianity”. However, during this time there were inter-religious divisions that existed between various Christian groups and divided the society into two. There were those who had confidence in religion and those who didn’t recognize its significance. This led to moral decay, especially among mostly the youth, as the Christian doctrine was no longer credible. Social division was also caused by the global variation of ideologies and the views majorly on account of the advancing information technology. Different people had diverse views about life and choices, as there wasn’t definite difference between right and wrong (Foner 668).

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The youth contributed greatly to the cultural change, as there were so many unresolved issues that had a direct effect on them. Lack of a well-defined system, to govern the young generation that grew in the changing times, led to moral erosion. Social vices, such as drug abuse, abortion and homosexuality, became common among the youth.

The road towards the success and stability in political, economic and social-cultural endeavors has proved a steep uphill to the Americans. The revolutionary moves that sparked to higher levels in the 1960s have staggered a couple of presidents into unintended failures, though they achieved a few of their goals during their eras. Several factors have emerged as the source of overwhelming tides that have surged against the government and public in the US. Among these factors are the Great Society program, the Vietnam War, the Rights Revolution, the rise of conservatism, and the Cold War. The inevitable cultural dynamism has also played a critical role. It’s clear that no matter how the emerging presidents attempted to learn, understand and identify the needs of their dear nation, their achievements have been always indefinite due to progressive aspects always cropping up. One of them is therefore the ability to learn how rugged the road to national success is with the surrounding domestic global changes.



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