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Arab Spring

The Arab spring is a period in the history of the north Arab nations that the Arab citizens decided to revolt against the governments that were in power at that time. The Arab spring kicked off in the year 2010 in Tunisia. As much as the Arab spring started in Tunisia, its effects spread all the way to the rest of the Arab nations such as Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, and Kuwait. I fact, the effects of the Arab spring were more severe in other countries such as Libya and Egypt than Tunisia, where the whole revolt started. The northern Arab countries have been famous for all sorts of evils and mismanagement of funds by the governments. Northern countries were experiencing wars between different groups of communities within the same countries. For instance, there were several clashes between the supporters of the incumbent presidents and the opposition leaders. These wars led to the death of several innocent lives. It came to a level where the United Nations organization identified the situation as a humanitarian issue that needed urgent intervention.


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Currently, there have been instances where the masses have forced rulers out of power like Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt. Countries such as Syria and Bahrain have experienced civil revolutions. In addition, there have been crucial protests in other countries such as Algeria, morocco, Iraq, Kuwait and Oman. Minor protests also took place in such countries as Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Mauritania, and Lebanon. Analysts have also associated the recent clashes on the borders of Israel in the year 2011 and the protests from the Arabs settling in the Iranian Khuzestan to the Arab spring. Looking at most of these protests, there is something in common among them. For instance, most of them were a form of civil resistance in campaigns, which included strikes, rallies, and demonstrations. Another similarity in most of the revolutions is the use of social media to educate, inform, and organize the protests.

Since this was a war against the people in power, most of the protests met serious and violent responses from the government authorities, the military and other demonstrators who were supporting the current governments.



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