The eighteenth and nineteenth century have not favored some empires such as the British Empire. This is because of the benefits and costs that globalization brought about from the historic times. This simply means that globalization lead to the diversion of resources from colonies. The critical question is: Did globalization bring benefits or costs in the legacy of the empires? Who are the losers and the winners as a result of globalization? This paper seeks to discuss and explore the costs and benefits that befell the British Empire in the eighteenth and nineteeth centuries. According to Reitan, “In the Eighteenth century, England changed from a quarrelsome island country on the periphery of European civilization to a world power”
To understand the problems associated with legacies of the British Empire, it is essential to consider safer grounds that impacted constituent countries of different empires. Anderson asserts that, “the British Empire revolution culminated during the eighteenth century”.The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are revolutionary eras. This does not accept the fact that colonization had an effect on some of the poor countries according to historical speculations. Consequently, these countries may have still developed and flourished even without colonization. From the evaluation of the same, the empire legacies can have uncertainties or safe grounds in relation to these platitudes.This simply means that in this period it was invective enough to explain an empire and congratulate the empire’s attributes in the century. The historians are objective and open minded when they try to understand the convenient mythologies that help perpetuate the reassessment of dangers during historic times. However, Rowan Hyam, a historian, argues that in the 18th century some empires like the British Empire were not empires but bit and pieces of territories. However, this complex phenomenon of the historic times can be simplified. In ordinary times, vast empires such as the British Empire also suffered continuing threats, social deprivation and poverty. . Globalization has integrated and improved them significantly. In this case, these empires appear as national celebrations that brought about change in the world.
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Von Raumer illustrates that “the legacies of the British Empire can be summed up and explained as corrupt powers”.This is because these empires have gained power through greed and power struggles. Thus, the empires appeared as houses rotting away as political and violent termites threatened to eat the empires. This does not mean the large empires have not achieved or gained much. It simply means that the empire achievements and gains have only increased economic inequalities in the world. According to the world history, one of the biggest empires was the British Empire. Britain had to overcome imperial giants in order to establish its dependencies and its colonies in the world.The main question is: why did empires such as the Britain Empire want to conquer and colonize the world? Nevertheless, the empires’ colonial legacies did not have entirely good intentions, but had other intentions that lead to many conflicts in the present times.
It is necessary to note that the 18th century was between the years 1715 to 1789. During this century, Britain became one of the powerful world countries. This expanded in the 19th century which is directly interconnected to the revolution period.
Empires are entities which are governed by supreme rulers. The supreme rulers have power over notable and vast territories. During the 18th and 19th century, the British Empire consisted of people from different tribes, nationalities and ethnicities. Legacies of empire and globalization which brought about competition between different entities can lead to the eruption of wars. The historians called it the First World War. On the other hand, globalization is a prevailing model that helps to distribute favors fairly through a pattern that is unsustainable for the required consumptions. In this case, undemocratic globalization governs poor countries. This helps large businesses develop and flourish. The result of this is that the rich empires gained more prosperity while the poor empires suffered economically, environmentally and socially because of the rich empires.
It is vital to note that globalization during the 18th and 19th centuries entailed the integration and spread of knowledge, finance, goods, people and other cultures from different empires across the world. According to O‘Gorman, “globalization dimensions have developed immensely from civilization”.The pace of development was dependent on technologies, communication channels and transport systems around the world.This has presented many economic opportunities to different empires in the world. The British Empire was able to reduce poverty levels in their territories, but poorer countries and empires are still a step behind. This means that globalization had links with global inequality from the historical times to date in Britain. In this way, history has created anxious winners and desperate losers of globalization.
Anti globalization brought about unprecedented national investments, mass migration and free trade in the British Empire. This propelled the world’s economic development forefront and accelerated the economies of the empires. In this case, most of the empires became the fastest growing economies in the world. However, the poorer countries or empires had poor economic performance.
The question is: who are the losers and the winners? Well, the large divergence still continues to cause many debates on the same. Economic historians suggest that the rich empires such as the British Empire had a role to play in the widening or the development of the global inequalities during the 18th and 19th centuries. This is because of the exported institutions and the policies that the marginal empires accessed. The policies and institutions include political institutions, financial institutions, industrial technologies, commercial technologies and agricultural technologies. This simply means that in order to achieve economic success the poor countries need to adopt capital accumulation, technology innovations, favorable political institutions, and legal and financial institutions.Thus, colonialism imposed institutions to establishment good institutions and in the long run has positive effects on the long run are effective in conquering positive effects.
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According to Jamaica Kincaid, in order to preserve dignity it is essential to explore the critical obligations and contentions of the same thing that has stripped the person or country of its dignity. In this case, it is crucial to implicitly and explicitly explore post colonial literature in relation to imperial colony that helped different nations to achieve self-determination and independence.This simply means that it is crucial to explore the social and political victimization that lead to countries becoming fully fledged states after colonization. Ribeiro adds that, “the physical violence, exploitation, brutalism, degradation and subjective denial have lead to the conflicts that are now evident many decades later”.Kincaid in the book “A small place”, insists that the present day assessment will help to contend with the former colonies that previously dominated the nations and left their legacies. The empire legacies taught the nations how to imprison, how to save a country’s wealth in bank accounts, how to murder one another, how to corrupt the societies and communities and how to be robbers and tyrants. Kincaid suggests that ineptitude and obstinacy of empires such as the British Empire tries to restore the dignities of the countries they stole. However, these implicit assumptions may not be true or misguided. This is because colonial empires did not only leave behind negativity but also positively affected the countries that they colonized. The presuppositions asserted by Kincaid refute the initiatives that validate the results and effects of colonialism and globalization.
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It is notable that the two differences attributed by Kincaid focus on 18th and 19th centuries postcolonial turmoils on victims. These can be restored if they get a chance to speak about them. The colonial power influence on the people may cause the audience to that colonization did not work when, in fact, it did work. However, Kincaid argues that imperial powers only defined the individual and cultural identities of the colonies. Kincaid goes ahead to declare that “ tourists are ugly men’’. This simply shows the magnitude of the colonial rule to the colonies. It had not only buried the originality and local culture, but also led to a cultural death of the same. There is some truth in the fact that a person may lose his/her dignity if his/her story recurs. However, dignity can also be lost in displacement, war, poverty and dispossession. According to Kincaid, colonialism inheritance lead to the loss of many social values and introduced corrupt political life and system.
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According to Duran Kisai, a historian and author, nationalism, race and religion are consequences of globalization and colonialism. However, the colonialism legacy troubled contemporary international issues such as multiculturalism. In this way, colonialism left behind a troubled legacy that is a challenge to the immigrant experience and to the victims and citizen of the colonized country. This simply means that some countries inherited loss from globalization and colonization. Colonization also left a slavery legacy and created a legacy of plundering resources. In this case, the inheritance of loss relates to cultural aspects, traditions and beliefs of the people involved.Globalization and modernity may have aggravated these losses through neglect, but this did not affect people’s independence. These challenges and losses still have been living on decades and centuries later.
In this regard, there are many pointless questions that remain unanswered. The benefits from the 18th and 19th century globalization and legacy of empires largely depend on a personal enrichment point of view. Globalization and legacy of empires brought many benefits such as education, agricultural technology, political institutions, financial institutions and economic technologies amongst many others. However, it is vital to consider the impact that these aspects have had on the empiresand the historic experience from the same. Note that “good” and “bad’’ are simply applications that would mean ambiguous or multifaceted attributes. Many people assume that the empires’ legacies such as the one of the British Empire were exploitive and were responsible for offsetting destruction and brutality which relates to slavery. Most people do not look at the other side of the book or page. This is because the other page of the historical experiences from globalization and legacies of the empires clearly show that these prospects brought about literacy growth, capitalism triumph, establishment of parliamentary institutions and promoted labor, goods and capital allocations. It is evident from the historical background that the legacy of empires and globalization was a “good’’ thing that enhanced and encouraged global welfare for all the empires. Empire entails people’s domination on other people’s cultures without their permission or acceptance. This can rob the society of the development of its historical lines. This simply means that empires cannot be static but surrender to other empires.
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According to analysts, the history of civilization or globalization has its carving from nature. The historical records clearly record the rise and fall of civilization. Civilization started from a hunter’s culture and developed into a rich city. In China, globalization and legacy of empires discovered printing, gun powder and iron casting. These discoveries changed civilization and presented a synthesis from the Eastern and Western countries. Egypt has become a habit of civilization. Historians say that Egypt was the birth place or main source of civilization. This did not only influence the founding of the Islamic religion, but also affected the founding of the Christian religion in Egypt. Historians say that Central America was the burden of time. Central America influenced the development of sophisticated civilization. In this way, priests and kings were the rulers and they dominated the cities thus creating sophisticated civilization.
Temporary foreign workers, the immigration problem and work outsourcing in foreign lands are practices that are believed to be a legacy of the empires in the 18th and 19th centuries. However, immigration has helped migrants from different countries to get employment opportunities. Globalization has also made communication channels faster as compared to historic communication channels such as sailing across countries. Work outsourcing in different countries has enabled countries to hire experienced and skilled workers from other countries.Additionally, legacy of empire and globalization has improved deplorable economic conditions in many different countries not to mention attracting scholars from different parts of the world. Legacy of the empire and globalization benefits have been often overlooked. Therefore, globalization and civilization have had many benefits and costs in many countries. The main losers were poor and developing countries while the rich and developed countries gained more mileage. Decolonization was an uneven and complex process that reduced colonization in an attempt to maintain peace in the world.
Marshall explains that “colonization was a process whose ultimate aim was to develop and educate societies in order to equip the societies to rule them”.However, this process of the pursuit of the aim attracted many benefits and costs on the colonies. It also created economic inequalities and dispossessed the colonies from their values, cultures and resources. Globalization and colonization have created losers and winners from the historical times to date. The gap between the winners and losers still exists.
The political and economic British Empire history is critical in the historical periods. Britain’s political and economic arena in the recent times has improved considerably. This only serves to prove that history repeats itself and has a way of influencing the future generations. The triumph of conservatism passed to the 19th and 20th centuries, and it continues to have effects on the social, economic and political spheres of the British Empire. This has raised certain question on many different aspects of the political and economic status of Britain. If the past times had a different approach to the triumphs of conservatism could the political and economic aspects of the British Empire be any different? Many politicians and social theories from the recent times have tried to explain and analyze this prospect of ideas. Their ideas may be inaccurate, over simplified and fruitless, but they serve a purpose in describing the different trends of centralization and decentralization in the recent times as affected by the critical times in the historical era. The answer to all the emerging questions about the political, social and economic aspects of the recent times has roots from the historical times.This simply means that most of the questions asked are in regard to the economical, political and the social status of the United States. These can be answered by looking at the roots of the historic background where the triumphs of conservatism first occurred.
In the recent times, the general theories on the same have ignored to a certain extent the actions and the intentions that lead to the consequences whose effects are still evident to date. The triumph of the British Empire through conservatism has resulted from the decisions of men and institutions. It is necessary to note that the decisions made in the historical times which involved the Government and the economies have effects in the current times. These decisions helped to shape the solutions to the problems where different representatives in the business and financial interests of the Empire advocated.In simplest terms, the result was conservative triumphs on the active efforts to serve and maintain the economic and social relations, but also for the well functioning of the same. The criteria used for conservatism in this prospect are based on the existing powers of the politicians and businessmen plus the social relationship of the same.
The triumphs of conservatism refer to the relationship between Britain and the businesses which were better that the Empire and the businesses of the recent age. The progressive era which dated back to the year 1901 to 1914 confined the Government and business. The ideas that people have misunderstood as in the formatting of the Empire show how Britain has driven competition to the limit by bringing optimal stability in the market. In this regard, the British history helped to regulate the Empire. However, the key thing is to accept that even though the economic theories failed, they achieved new competitive advantages. In this way, the British Empire achieved much during the 18th and 19thcenturies. The lessons from this period have contributed to the Empire’s success in the recent times.
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