Although most people lead a secular life, almost everybody has an imagination of the existence of a supreme being who controls all the actions and decisions accomplished by human beings. Most people believe that natural events that have significant impacts on the lives of people of any society for a long time are machinations of this Supreme Being, commonly known as God. In the light of existence of nature’s mysteries, I cannot deny the existence of God or his role of the ruler of the universe. However, the extent to which God interacts with the human being is arguable, particularly when it concerns catastrophic natural events. The February 2004 tsunami was an event at the centre of numerous arguments and debates in its aftermath. The tsunami phenomenon is rare, and this served to fuel debates concerning its occurrence. While some people claimed that it was one of the few natural events that rarely occur, others claimed that it resulted from a supernatural power. However, considering the nature of the event and the indiscriminate destruction accompanying its occurrence, one can conclude that the disaster was not God’s will (Hart 3).
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While the existence of the world of the paranormal is indisputable, the occurrence of a natural catastrophe of an enormous scale does not indicate the direct making of a supreme deity. God created the world and everything in it, modeling it to perfection in His own perception. This contradicts the notion that God would wish to destroy whatever He has so much perfected and loved. God is the nature’s master, while nature is independent and built to perfection by God. Furthermore, God would not wish to continue controlling nature, which He has already given the ability to control itself and do whatever circumstances and the forces in it guide it to do (Stannard 6).
God’s interaction with man is limited to man’s mind alone. Since the era of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God’s interaction with man has been limited to the spiritual realm only. God made the final decision to allow the human being to interact with nature in any manner. It is upon human beings to choose the action they favor with its consequences in mind. God does not intend to directly intercept an unforeseen catastrophe that is about to claim lives. The Holy Bible says that it is only through death that the transformation of life from its physical form into a spiritual form occurs. If God had chosen to intercept the tsunami such that it did not kill people, it would have made no difference in His eyes since death is the ultimate destiny of all living beings, according to the Holy Scripture.
If God decided to save some people on that fateful day for some reason, He would have done so spiritually through the mind. It is difficult to establish whether God saved anyone from the tsunami on that day. However, if He did, He could have given some people a subconscious feeling that there was the need to move away from the ill-fated beaches, effectively evacuating from the lethal waves that followed. In this essence, God avoided interfering with the relationship that exists between various elements of nature. In the Holy Scripture, God decided to save some soldiers by informing them that they should not lay down their weapons when quenching their thirst in the river. This is an evidence of God’s preferred way to deal with human beings. Otherwise, God would have struck down the enemy soldiers and allowed those that were drinking water to do it in whatever way they wished, but he did not want to interfere with the forces of nature. This evidently confirms that God interacts with the human being in the spiritual domain only and does not use any physical means that may divert the course of nature (Polkinghorne 10).
The notion that God brought the storm upon the people bordering the Indian Ocean as a punishment for their indiscretions is widely advocated by some scholars. They depict the tsunami as Noah’s floods that the Holy Scripture says God unleashed upon the people of the earth to wipe out the wicked. This paints a picture of God as a master executioner rather than the master guide for the human beings. If God so much wished that human beings died for their sins in such a scale, then the world would be without its human population, since the Scripture itself says that all men are transgressors and that no one is without sin. God allows human beings to go about their business whether their actions are sinful or good, but the Scripture says that on the final day of the universe, everyone will then account for their sins. It is highly unlikely that God would suddenly decide to bring a tsunami to the people of the Far East as ramification for their transgressions without even a scratch to the rest of the world, which is equally defective.
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There is no reason that God would interact with the world on a physical level. It is within God’s capabilities to eliminate the human tendency to commit sin and stop disasters such as the tsunami of the Indian Ocean. However, God does not intend to interfere with the world until the final Day of Judgment. In addition, it is unlikely that God would have chosen such a crude method to punish sinners. The Bible says that everyone is answerable for his or her own transgressions. The tsunami took lives indiscriminately and even killed a large number of children, who did not have the capability to make out the difference between the right and the wrong. All Gods’ interaction with the world is through the human mind (Polkinghorne 75).
Contrary to what most people believe, God does not express His displeasure through such indiscriminate disasters, and His anger is contained until the Final Day. The physical body and feelings are of little importance to God. The Bible says that God allowed Satan to do physically what he wanted, but not to tamper with his soul. This shows how much God values the non-physical aspect of life (Stannard 25).
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God’s involvement in the occurrence of the 2004 tsunami could only have been through the mind of the people involved in the event. Furthermore, the physical aspect of the disaster was solely a result of an abnormal upheaval of the forces of nature, which are usually contained deep in the earth crust. In addition, the people who perished in the disasters were just the unfortunate victims who happened to be present at site of the action of the powerful forces of nature. The victims of the calamity happened to be in the path of the storm when it struck the coast. This perspective endorses the thinking that God is also an observer of the events that occur on the earth. The only role that God may have played is that He watched over the universe to ensure that no event whether earthly or cosmic may completely wipe out the human population before the Judgment Day. Since God is aware of the events that are yet to happen, it is appropriate to conclude that God always let nature take its course.
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