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The History of the Corporation


According to the University of Nevada Las Vegas Caesars (2011), the Entertainment Corporation is known to be the largest global casino entertainment company. The company had its humble beginning in Reno, Nevada back in the year 1937. It has experienced much growth through a number of strategies including: development of a number of new resorts, expanding the acquired resorts and finally through acquisitions. The company presently operates in four continents with a number of casino resorts in each. Its three brand names are the Harrah’s, Caesars and finally the Horseshoe (UNLIV, 2011).

The History of the Corporation

The corporation was founded in 1937 when Bill Harrah bought the Silver Tango bingo in downtown Reno, Nevada which he renamed as Harrah’s Bingo Club. In its strategy to expand, Harrah also purchased the Gateway Club located at Lake Tahoe. This enabled the Harrah Entertainment to double its size two years later. By 1963, Harrah succeeded in opening a brand new casino and restaurant in Reno. These developments allowed it to be accepted as a publicly traded company by the year 1971 (UNLIV, 2011).

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Later in 1980, the company was acquired by Holiday Inns, Inc to which it became a subsidiary. After acquiring Las Vegas, it was able to greatly expanded becoming Holyday Corporation by 1985. Its Name changed again in 1992 when it became Harrah’s Las Vegas. Two years later the corporation managed to open six more branches including in Joliet, and Kansas City (UNLIV, 2011). In 1999, Harrah’s managed to purchase both the Rio Hotel and the Casino located in Las Vegas. It then started working together with the Las Vegas-based Airlines the same year. In 2010, Harrah’s Entertainment changed its name to today’s Caesars Entertainment Corporation (UNLIV, 2011).

Reasons for Working in Food and Beverages

Like countless career opportunities, the food and beverage industry present me with immense daily challenges. Nonetheless, unlike many career paths I would have preferred, the challenges I encounter on a daily basis in this industry are of a special type. I have found it incredibly motivating dealing directly with people. The confrontation with such challenges as the constantly changing consumer tastes and preferences, the persistently tightening supply chain and the fiscal and state regulation have only acted to strengthen my belief in this industry. As well, over the past few years, I have witnessed tremendous career growth. Moreover, having worked in a similar industry for a number of years, I considered this a new and exhilarating challenge worth perusing. In conclusion, the Caesar community has great character, teamwork discipline and adherence to standards, a challenge I was yet to experience.

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Attraction and Motivation Factors

I have a rich history with the food and beverage industry. This backdrop coupled with my individuality as well as my passion to enthuse service, served as the motivating factor in my pursuance of this position. Furthermore, over the past years, I have amassed an unrivalled experience in this field. From the onset of my career, I have served in dissimilar capacities in an assortment of hotels but in a similar department. In those years of service, I managed to claim a number of awards. I started a career in the hospitality industry at an awfully tender age. Owing to my tremendous industry, I have managed to secure opportunities to advance to higher echelons of this field. I have received a number of related diplomas in dissimilar fields including French, Spanish and Italian languages which in my view contributed to my significance to this department. For the five years, I have esteemed working experience with diverse individuals across diverse nationality, races and religions. This interrelationship with this industry is the source of my daily motivation and inspiration.

Tactics for Working under Pressure

The challenge of meeting deadline is an issue that is applicable in every field and aspect of life irrespective of the kind of work or one’s immediate supervisor. As I seek to join the food and beverage department, I understand that it is not an exception. However, having worked in the same position before, I have always practiced given measures to help me in such situations. These include:

Avoiding procrastination: I have always learnt to act at the earliest opportunity and to avoid waiting until the last minutes to start working on my assignments. Furthermore, I have learnt to set for myself mini-deadlines allocating the time I have for various sections of the entire job. This has always given me some level of flexibility allowing me to achieve high quality by avoiding any possibility of inaccuracy.

Organizing myself and preparing well: I have always learnt the value of taking some time to reflect on what may work for me and what may definitely not. This has always enabled me to prioritize my activities. It has therefore been possible for me to avoid much pressure by doing what has to be done first while postponing those that still have longer time allowance.

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In some cases, I have also learned to always accept the situation as it is and ask for help. In cases where I am subjected to too much pressure, I always accept that I can’t do it all. I then recognize the value of team work and call upon my team members to assist me. This has been made easy by the understanding that my failure and my success have a direct impact on the corporate goal.

My last tactic would be to slow down and relax. This would help me not to sacrifice accuracy. I have learnt that it is always better to accomplish whatever portion of work I can do in such a situation and with apology, ask for more time to accomplish any remaining part. I have always ensured that I am not ruled by the need of speed but rather the idea of being smart in all things.

Tactics to Use when Dealing with a with Difficult Customer

Difficult customer could be an external or an internal customer. The case is even made worse of if said customer is a colleague at work. Such customers always come prepared to judge one’s level of service based of how one responds to their mistakes.

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First, I have learnt to guard my emotions and avoid being affected by the customer’s feelings. I take my time to actively listen to the customer’s concern while being non-defensive and taking care never to blame the customer. In this way, the customer would believe in me because it shows concern and care. It will also help me identify where the problem is. Where need be, I may apologize on behalf of the hotel and promise to deal with the problem.

Additionally, I would always empathize with the customer to help deal with his feelings. This virtue has always helped me identify exactly what such customers meant and felt. In conclusion, the ultimate goal of all these measures is ton make such customers understand that the hotel truly care about their problems.


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