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Explore Different Models and Versions of Community

Community is many people who have pulled together for a common goal. The values of people start in the home. This is where kids have valued roles in sustaining and enhancing others at institutions of learning, sports or other communities’ roles that they participate. There are communities that have valued roles also those communities that have devalued roles. Examples of communities that have valued roles includes; the spiritual community, family community, living community, recreational community, learning community, employment community, wellbeing community, internet community, blind community, and the disability community. All these communities differ in their goals. Examples of communities with devalued include the drug abusing communities, the gay, lesbian communities also the criminal community. For example, religious community is based on the spiritual beliefs of the members. The church community trusts in the same religious values, and worships the same God or gods. A family community brought about by the fact that there is blood association also because there is some environmental influence. Families have the same goals, work together and share resources together. Responsibilities are sharing within a family, for example, the parents share responsibilities of bringing up their children.

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For a community to thrive well there must be a sense of justice between the members. Justice means giving each person and each type of the community his or her dues. It is giving each individual what it needs to survive. The virtue of justice needs a response from people. It requires them to act justly, to take actions that foster justly relationships among people and the Earth. The just society should be able to practice a sense of responsibility. Justice means treating every one uniformly and being in a position to forgive. A just community shows mercy to the destitute members of the community. They exercise the power of forgiveness and help to the needy in the community. Justice is also directly linked to individual responsibility.

Personal responsibility, personal responsibility is one’s capacity to take control of oneself through the process of, keeping healthy lifestyles, managing emotions, keeping up a healthy mind, treating ones identity with respect. Personal upkeep is taking responsibility for ones actions, accepting all the consequences that arise from the actions. It also entails understanding that individuals deeds affects the people around. In a community, it is necessary follow up responsibility for one's actions so as to assist in development of a healthy society. As a member of the community, one should be able to pick up accountability to avoid the tendency to put the blame on other people. Forgiveness should be one of the cardinal virtues in the society. Physical emotion, as well as the intellectual in addition to spiritual growth, is crucial as they affect the future growth. The right view shows a sense of personal responsibility, and it shows maturity and wisdom, which is needed for any society. When the people of a particular community have the right attitude, they are less likely to cause problems. For instance, in life such as overspending and falling in serious account with other members. Personal responsibility also entails the authority over employees and kids who demand one to be a role model to them. The best way is to promote personal responsibility among the staff and even at the family level. As a member of the society, one should take the lead so that others can understand.

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Culture entails the beliefs, people’s behaviors, objects of the community, and other characteristics that are similar to the people of a particular community. Through enhanced culture, people define themselves, conforms to the community's traditional values, and contribute to the community at large. Therefore, culture includes many societal aspects. For example, language, customs, values, norms, mores, rules, tools, technologies, products, organizations, and institutions acquire the basis virtues related to culture. Every community has a clearly defined culture. They have a specified form of communication, the customs and norms that are governing their community. The rules and beliefs are the ones that pull them together. Being cultured means being well educated, well informed of the arts, fashionable, and well mannered.

Sociologists define community as a group of individuals who work together in such a way as to share a common culture. In addition, the cultural bond binding a community may be ethnic or racial. This bond can be based on gender disparities or due to common beliefs, values, and the activities. The term community can have a geographic definition. It can refer to people who have a common cultural belief in a specific location. For instance, people living in arctic climates developed diverse cultures from those existing in desert cultures. In time, a large range of human cultures arose around the world forming different communities.

People of a specified community have the same level of economic pool. Development of social economic projects that are fruitful to the community is also beneficial. Economic sufficiency, standard health, and healthy relationships are the fundamental requirements that contribute to the quality of life for all the community. The importance of social well being recognized by the community and the policy makers. Policy makers of a specific community have the capacity to influence on results in social policy that is relevant for the community. These areas includes health related areas, education, employment and family. A high point of interest in social issues is an international occurrence, with the identification that increased community’s economic success is not accompanied by a significant increased social well-being for all. Distributional effects that is significant. For many, well being is not in a straight line correlated with income. Communities and societies seek economic growth. However, this is also increasingly becoming a concern about its impact on normal and social environments. The capacity for social capital to create a positive impact to outcomes in dissimilar areas of social concerns such as well being, community safety policy and knowledge has captured the attention of policy makers, sociologists and researchers. This interest has to a need for statistics that analyses the conception of community capital, and that can be accorded to informing policy upcoming and further research.

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Is there such thing as a dysfunctional community?

Dysfunctional communities are in existence. From the definition of a community, it is a group of people who have pooled together for a common cause or goal. They share same values as well as same goals and beliefs. Some communities have values, believe that are not ethical, and are not acceptable to the society. Each individual community has a particular role that fulfils a particular need. Valued communities provide valued roles for their members. A dysfunctional community does not have clearly defined boundaries. They do not know the future of their community, and they do not follow their rules clearly. A healthy society should have a sense of ownership for their members. This is not so for the dysfunctional society. A dysfunctional society does not have ownership for the members. They do not provide valued roles for their members. As a result, of the poor and valueless goals the community cannot develop in a positive way. Communication is an extremely important for a community. Dysfunctional society does not communicate effectively with their members. Lack of communication is dangerous as it can lead to violence and misjudgment.

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What must individuals do in order for communities to succeed and thrive?

In order for a community, to continue the members of the community need to have clearly defined goals. These goals need to be appropriate to the community. There should be less conflicting roles and goals between members. In addition, the goals and roles of the community should be shared appropriately between all the members. Successful communities should have mechanisms in place to affirm the roles and goals of the community. The goals set by the community have a direct impact to the community and other surrounding society.

In addition, for the community, to thrive they should have shared beliefs, values and cultures. These values are supposed to be clearly defined and are supposed to be appropriate for the community. There should be effective communication for a community to thrive. Effective communication is healthy as it avoids the problems that arise as a result of miss communication. Communication also gives room for the exchange of ideas and correction in case of changes that are to be made. Leadership is one of the important factors for a society to succeed. Poor leaders can cultivate enmity among the members of the community. Good leaders will always keep the community united and lead them into realizing their objectives. The values of community start in the home. This is where kids have valued roles in sustaining and supporting others at learning institutions, sport or other community they indulge. There are communities that have valued roles also those communities that have devalued roles.

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What threatens community?

Valued community roles give a shared goal or focus for the community, and other communities that are a constitution of it. Lack of unity and harmony threatens the wellbeing of the community. A community of individuals that do not have similar goals cannot survive, as they do not have the basis of unity. Different goals mean different objectives and, therefore, will means that there is different out puts. Existence of small dysfunctional communities within a community can also threaten the survival of the community. For example, the existence of criminal community within a community can have negative impacts as it affects the level of trust amongst the members of a community. It also encourages the development of fear among the members of a community. Changing of the rules and the goals of the community can also threaten the survival of the community. This is because for the community to develop it was because of the common goals. Therefore, if these goals are dissolved it will mean that the bond holding the community together is broken hence, no need for the community to exist.

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Justice is the cardinal virtue in enhancing the survival of the community. This is because a just society gives its members what they deserve, and what they need. Gender roles and family structures have to be considered to avoid misquotation. Poor leadership affects the positive growth and development of a community. Leaders are supposed to be focused and are supposed to be considerate to all the members without any biases. This is terms of allocation of responsibilities as well as the benefits that are to be shared by the community at large. Lack of cohesion threatens the community. This is because cohesion is vital for the survival of any community.

Extrapolate the building blocks necessary to a successful and thriving community and create your own (perhaps hybrid and composite) model of positive, productive community.

For the development of a healthy and successful community, members of the community should always try to eradicate the development of dysfunctional behaviors that tend to dismantle the unity of the community. In order for a community, to continue the members of the community should have clearly defined goals. The community should be able to clearly define the rules that are supposed to be followed and should have the mechanisms to affirm these roles. This is because the goals that are set by the community have an impact to the same community and its environs.

Justice and self-responsibility are the cardinal virtues for the development of a successful society. This is because a just society will have harmony and through harmony, there is positive co existence between members of a community. Self-responsibility is the mother of all the positive and productive virtues of the community. When members of the community have a sense of self-responsibility, they act as potent examples for the younger or new members of the community. It also ensures that all the members adhere to the roles that are allocated to them. In this way, it assists in the elimination of the development of other negative behaviors of the society. Good leadership is one of the building blocks of a successful community. Good leaders will ensure that the community thrives well also ensure that all the loopholes are filled. Gender awareness and consideration is also beneficial. For a positive community to be developed gender should be put into consideration this is to avoid complains arising such as complains of gender biases, oppression of the weaker sex and lack of coordination. Moreover, Communities and societies seek economic growth. However, this is also increasingly becoming a concern about its impact on normal and social environments. The growth in the economy of a particular society is vital in the development of projects that are going to maximize the development.


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