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Import and Export

Modern world import and export has become so politicized it is now almost a game of power play. It is like an expression of superiority whereby developed countries compete against each other for market from developing countries. At times, a developing country that turns to another developed country at the expense of another loses economic attachments to the latter. This is import and export today (Kasahara & Lapham, 2012).

A country like South Korea, being the world’s seventh largest exporter and tenth largest importer, has a far larger web of attachment in the field of import and export. It is therefore congruent that it takes such issues as mentioned into thought. It is a major player.

With regards to economy, developed countries have an economical obligation to protect developing countries. Without protection these countries could end up having political or economic instability that will ultimately translate into a poor economy that has little power to import goods or services with the exception of aid from other countries. Morally, any country that has the ability to protect another if need be ought to do so. This is a principle of humanity where in respect to human dignity we render the life of others dear to ours. This morality is however affected by interests of politics and power and that is our downfall (Kasahara & Lapham, 2012).


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Trade exchange also plays a role in policy implementation, of key note being the implementation of United States policies. Trade restrictions alongside sanctions have been used to punish nations that go contrary to the interests of the United States. Whereas it is justified to punish a nation whose actions fight humanity and the general belief and safety of the global world it is not justifiable to do so to a nation whose actions do not affect anyone but themselves and of which they are ready to face. If we are to justify trade restrictions then we are to ask, ‘is the restriction for the good of everyone or is it just a case of one man’s profit another’s loss?’

Trade restriction is a sensitive issue. This is because whereas a nation may be against the restriction imposed to another nation, there is little they can do about the restriction and even if they did they would be creating themselves new foes if not worsening enmities. The arbiter of trade restrictions I would say is the imposer of the restriction. She has all powers to withdraw transactions. This is unfortunate as whether the action is fair or not, she does as she wishes (Keeley, 2012).

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In conclusion, we must come to the acceptance of the world of trade as a new game of politics and power. Whether it is good or bad to our existence is up to us as humans to determine, perhaps deep down from our conscious. This is import and trade today.



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