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Material Requirements Planning

A. what is Material Requirement Planning (MRP)?

Material Requirements Planning is actually a tool for planning; mainly aimed at assembling all operations in a production system, in order to enable the supplier know the materials required by every unit of production and the associated time limits (Waldner, 2011). After knowing the product units required, it becomes possible to use Material Requirements Planning, to determine the materials that will be needed in the production of such products. The calculations of the material requirements and subsequent planning are enabled by computer software in most working and business organizations (Waldner, 2011).

B. How Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) might be applied to:

1. The surgery suite of a hospital

In a surgery suite of a hospital, Material Requirements Planning may be helpful in determining the type, amount, quality and quality of the materials required, for a specific number of a given type of surgery. Material requirements planning may be applied through grouping of various types of surgeries that are offered or required over specified duration or period of time (Waldner, 2011). After dividing the surgery suite into different surgery units, where specific types of surgeries are done, the number of every type of surgery required is then calculated. In each unit, Material Requirements Planning can be used to calculate the specifications of the materials that will be required to carry out a single surgery. Therefore, MRP is a vital aspect in this field, and it enhances planning for efficiency, effectiveness, and timeliness of surgery operations being carried out (Waldner, 2011).

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2. Scheduling university classes

University classes have to be scheduled in order to avoid appearance of different classes at the same time. Material Requirements Planning will be helpful in scheduling university classes, by making arrangements to ensure that every class is allocated its own time, and that, no other class appears within that particular time set for a specific class (Waldner, 2011). When scheduling classes, there is need for estimation of the materials required especially when making the budget (stationeries, equipments and other learning materials). For instance, after knowing what the class intends to do, MRP can be applied to determine the material requirements for each class (Waldner, 2011).

3. A chain of restaurants

In a chain of restaurants, Material Requirements Planning will be important in separating the restaurants into single units, and to determine the materials, or any other necessities required for each restaurant. The only thing that is needed is to know the type of activity, or the product intended to be offered in each restaurant, and the associated specifications. This information will enable calculation of all the raw requirements for every restaurant to achieve the intended purpose, or come up with the intended products and services. Examples of the requirements that will be calculated include construction materials, food materials, and furnishing materials (Waldner, 2011).

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4. Hotel renovations

When renovating a hotel, there is need for planning of the materials required to carry out an effective and efficient renovation practice. Over-estimation or under-estimation of the materials required, will lead to either wastage of funds, or shortage of materials. Material Requirements Planning will actually help in coming up with planning process, which will see the whole project consume exact materials needed without wastage or shortage (Waldner, 2011). After knowing the kind of renovation required and the outcomes expected, Material Requirements Planning program can be used to calculated the exact quantity, quality, and price of the materials, and other requirements, that may be necessary to accomplish the whole renovation process. Material Requirements Planning, in this case, can be used to plan for labor and other physical materials necessary (Waldner, 2011).


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