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Do We Still Need Newspaper

It is almost four hundred years since the invention of newspapers as a media tool. The invention of newspaper has sincerely and significantly influenced the human society. Its widespread usage and convenience has made it become part of daily living for most people. People purchase newspapers everyday to grasp the events in their environment.  However, as information and technology advances, newspapers are quickly being replaced by internet techniques and news websites as alternatives. The use of internet technology is thus quickly replacing the newspapers as a source of information in the media industry.

Understanding the Future of Newspapers

The growth of internet technology and news websites has posed great competition to newspapers. Tension on the use of newspapers has been created by the need to cut the cost of production while maintaining the value of the product in the market (Britannica Editors). With these realities, the internet has been a great competition to the newspapers. These news site alternatives compete against the newspapers from all its fronts of advantages. Consequently, whereas newspapers remain useful and traditional, these features do not match the convenience and environmental safety that is brought by the use of the internet news sites (Britannica Editors).


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The newspaper has remained to prevail in people’s daily life since its invention in the 17th century. This is partly because the society experienced an era of slow information transportation. However, this was coupled with the desire to have fast and first-handed information. In this connection, newspapers have been relatively efficient in the past as a medium of information (Britannica Editors). This is because one could just buy newspapers from a shopping stand which were just a few minutes walk from home. This could be considered better than the verbal messages from a message boy for example.

The newspaper maintained preference for a long time especially to people with interest in particular professional issues. To this category of people, the newspaper provided more systematic, detailed and conclusive information. However, as information and technology begin to advance, several news sites have been developed around the world and more are being established on a daily basis (Lamba 1). This large number of news sites has had negative implications on the relevance of newspapers. It is a reality that for each newspaper, there is a corresponding news site. But the websites lack corresponding kind of newspaper sources.

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The onset of the internet and information technology into the media industry has dealt a great blow to the relevance of the newspapers in the society. The news sites are more convenient to the consumers because one does not have to walk or travel to purchase newspaper. Instead, people find it more relaxing, convenient and comfortable reading news online at a flexible and friendly cozy room (Britannica Editors). The cost of purchasing a newspaper is relatively higher as compared to that of using the news sites through internet supported technology. This implies that as technology continues to evolve, the media industry must also revolutionize and embrace technology. Newspapers are therefore gradually losing their relevance in the society.

The news about the stalling of NBA gives a good illustration of how the newspaper has been overtaken by modern media of information and communication. A blast piece on the events around the stalled NBA as a result of disagreements on the salary of the players between the league and the players union spread amazingly first. Within ten minutes, this news had spread in almost all the quarters’ online sites (Britannica Editors). The news was floating in Facebook, Twitter and many other websites. This news spread faster than what the newspapers could do within situation and circumstances. Actually the fastest newspaper firm to edit and produce this weighty news released this after a whole day. By this time majority of basketball fans had learnt of the situation through the internet supported social network sites.

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One can argue that the newspaper still has a place in the society especially among the old people who might find it challenging to adapt to the revolution brought about by electronic news sites. The old people have fitted in to the culture of purchasing a newspaper and taking a cup of coffee next to a table as they enjoy the afternoon. However, this argument is not accurate. To begin with, the old people have quickly yielded to the force of technological revolution in their society. The elderly people are finding it more convenient and fun to relax from walking to the shop to buy newspaper. Instead of such strenuous walk, the elderly can enjoy the comfort of the home environment and access global news through the internet.

 The elderly have learnt the benefits and the convenience of technology. As a result, use of technology for various functions including access to information has become part and parcel of the life of the elderly. Amazingly, the number of the elderly people using technology to surf online buys stock watch movies, and play poker is increasing day after the other (Britannica Editors). Besides, it is more relaxing and fun taking a cup of coffee next to a computer table. This implies that the use of newspaper is quickly fading even among the elderly who would be expected to stand stiff against the technological revolution that has taken over the media industry through news sites (King).

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Undoubtedly, the newspaper remains very useful to the reading society. This is because newspapers contain a lot of information and costs only one or two dollars a piece. Nonetheless, much of the information in the newspaper is not required by the reader. In fact, sometimes the content is very trashy. The pages are filled with advertisements, information about marriage-seeking, properties to let, valuation rates of property, obituaries and other information that can be considered unnecessary (Lamba 2). On the contrary, the use of the browser so conveniently restores the value of a dollar spent on news sites. All the unpleasant and trashy information is not shown by the browser. Therefore one is able to narrow the search by simply typing a word that would result into access of concise news in milliseconds that is needed at any given time.

Reliance on newspapers for news became the culture of consumers especially due to the periodical nature of its production and publication. Therefore, most people used newspapers since they can be kept in archives for future reference and as history (King). However, the development of internet technology has reversed this role and so effectively covered the gap caused by the calendared nature of newspapers. The news sites supported by the use of internet make news accessible without time limitations. Further, news websites provide access to news in a multicultural and multilingual manner across the globe that is not possible with newspapers.

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The debate on whether we still need newspaper is controversial and often ends with no consensus. Nonetheless, technological revolution in the media industry has posed a challenge to the relevance, effectiveness, convenience and general preference for newspapers. There are several news sites that conveniently and effectively enhance access to news in the world at the touch of the button and click of the mouse. Therefore, in this age of technology and internet, we no longer need newspapers.



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