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Instructional Strategies and Materials

The trainer will have to be more careful in this phase and ensure that good introduction is achieved. This will be done, first and foremost by briefing the trainees on the ultimate relevance and purpose of the instructions to them. The trainees will be introduced to a brain storming session where they will be asked about wound care with regards to dressing, cleaning and application of medicine. More so, they will be briefed on the relevance of instructions given to them in the early period, to their work valuation at the end of the exercise. Besides these parameters, the trainees will be told about what is expected of them in terms of displaying basic wound care skills, proper record management and critical analysis of the wound problem.


Introducing instructional objectives to the trainees will be through a well refined piece of paper detailing all the goals of the exercise. It is expected that by the end of the training, the trainees should be able to display high safety standards while handling wounds for the patients. They will manifest this safety by wearing safety devices like gloves. It is also expected that performing basic wound management s will come easy to this group by the end of the exercise. Proper record management, which is a recipe for effective wound management is another denominator for the trainees to capitalize on and internalize by the end of the study. They will be made to realize that human beings are susceptible to forgetfulness; hence they need to develop proper record management to act as reference for patient’s information.    


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Pre-Requisite Skills:

Since the training involves human life, certain pre-requisite skills will be put into play to act as bench mark for entry into the system. This entry point, which basically is determined by the cut off point in health sciences in high school will be communicated to the participants during pre-training. On top of communication, health science test will be administered to participants to determine their mastery and competency about health issues.

Testing: Pretest

The trainees will be subjected to fundamental pretest that will unearth their knowledge about wound care and management. The test will also be aimed at determining the students’ computer knowledge especially in Microsoft applications of word, excel and spreadsheet. This will highlight their ability to use computer applications to solve record problems. To make it more effective, performance check list that provides a yard stick for measuring the necessary skills will be used. Also, a baseline test on instructions will be conducted and statistics kept for comparison with the trainees’ end performance.

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The posttest will be critical in evaluating effectiveness of the training. Therefore, a similar test format used in the pretest will be replicated in this stage. The trainees’ knowledge and skills about wound care management will be subjected to scrutiny at this point and a comparison made with the pretest results. Such comparison will also be done on their computer record management.



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