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Communication and Business

Communication in business is vital for the success of any business entity. Most of the organizations have focused on corporate social responsibility as a way of enhancing their business image globally. Organizations that have succeeded have reported their endeavors in corporate social responsibility; CEMEX USA is no exception. CEMEX is an organization based in United States, and its mandate is to distribute building materials across the globe. The products that the company specializes in include cement, concrete, pipe/precast, aggregates, fly ash, among others. As the company targets construction sites, marketing of its products has been channeled to construction workers. In the recent years, the company has received various accolades due to its performance in the construction sector. Though the company’s products and services are diversified, the company relies on positive communication to its customers in order to build a good rapport in the society.

One of the strategies in which the company understands the need for its consumers is through good public relation. Staff workers have etiquette, and the consumers feel satisfied when they transact with the company ensuring that they retain their customers. Indeed, profit-making organizations have the same strategic goal – profit maximization and cost minimization – therefore, maintaining existing customers is vital. The predicament that faces most of the unsuccessful business entities is that they tend to focus much on attracting new customers rather than keeping the existing ones. In addition, the customers are attracted to the quality of services and products that the staff provides. CEMEX successful foundation has ensured that the clients are satisfied with its operations.


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Corporate social responsibility has been the key to CEMEX success in the past decade. One of the social responsibilities it is environmental conservation across the globe. The strategy was devised by the company’s management in an attempt to foster communication between them and the clients on the effectiveness of having a conducive environment. Ideally, maintenance of unpolluted environment is vital, especially to the residents. As the company is involved with excavation, such as concrete and building stones, it has developed strategic sites where the operation is to be undertaken. This is usually away from individual’s reach in the society.

Consequently, in communicating its business name, CEMEX USA has been involved in educating the society on the importance of managerial skills and good planning. This has been undertaken through seminars and workshops. In educating the participants on the effective leadership strategies and providing them with educational and travel opportunities, the company aims at developing independency in the participants way of thinking. This is to encourage its workers to work extra hard for the company to realize its strategic goals within a short span of time. When the workers attend the forum, they are able to acquire knowledge on the vital leadership skills that an individual should be subjected to in order to enhance reliability in handling the competitiveness in the society. In addition, such forum has seen many individuals in USA striving to be associated with the company; either through the purchase of its products and services, or enlightening the society on the importance of the products. The initiative has boosted CEMEX USA revenue outlay and reduced costs, as there is a reduction in laying-off workers due to dissatisfaction.

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Finally, the company has undertaken public campaigns and tours in order to communicate to the public on the importance of their products. The campaign is conducted annually and coincides with industrial events of the company. The aim is to communicate the name of the business to the society and educate them on the building materials and services of which the company is involved in. The society can meet with the managerial team and, in the process; the management explains them the core aspects of the organization’s objectives.

The success of the business communication has been achieved through cordial team-work spirit embodied by the staff. Although the organization sometimes faced stiff challenges when undertaking its mandate, the staff was able to handle the situations with ease. In other cases, the situation allowed a single staff to undertake chores, and due to the professional skills that they had, the management had no problem working independently. Ideally, the corporate social responsibility and communication in business requires management to plan their work in order to avoid confusion in the course of its initiative. For instance, in the case of forums and workshops, the management is currently planning for the next occasion. A team of professional personnel has been selected to analyze the budget – financial and time framework – for the event. This will minimize the company’s incurring irrelevant costs when undertaking the event.

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Consequently, for CEMEX USA to realize its global goal, business communication should be vested in an international setting. However, the complexity of the scenario fosters the organization to incorporate strategies that will enhance its smooth operation. Some of the challenges that the business entity can face include language barriers, business policy restrictions, and international business laws and regulations. Indeed, the communication barrier between the society and the managerial team is a very important issue. The company can use individuals who are familiar with language setting of a given country in order to communicate effectively to the diverse audiences. In some instances, the managerial team may resort to using local language in an attempt to inform the population in an effective way. However, the management should incline to its perspective without giving attention to the other individual’s perspective of the products and services. International community may have a different experience of the products and services other than the way Americans perceive the products. In a practical case, one should not expect a 100 percent support from the clients concerning the company’s initiatives. Different people have a different perspective of products and services. Understanding the international value perspective of the products and services is vital.

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In conclusion, communication in business necessitates success of an organization. The organization has succeeded in the past decade due to its corporate social responsibility. Although it may be perceived as an initiative that only incurs costs to the organization, the reputation of the organization is vital. The company needs to communicate its strategies to diverse cultural environment in an attempt to realize its strategic goals. Expansion to a new environment will only be realized when the company understands the perception and needs of the new target population. However, the company needs to plan for its initiatives in order to understand the complexity of business communication in an international setting.



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