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Multiculturalism has different types of meanings; at one level the word means Acceptance, appreciation or promotion of multiple cultures. This is usually applied to the demographic make up of a particular place; especially at organizational levels e.g. Businesses, schools, neighborhoods, cities and nations. But in this particular sense Multiculturalism approximates to respect for diversity. Multiculturalism may also describe persons who posses more than one culture in them (persons who grew up with a lot of cultural identity which is sometimes called Bicultural). Politically the term means; advocacy of increasing equitable status to different religious and ethnic groups, without promoting a specific religious, ethnic or cultural community values as central multiculturalism as " cultural mosaic " which is often contrasted with concepts such as social integration and assimilation which is often described as "salad" rather than a " melting point."          


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Origins of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism was said to originate in 1965, this was due to the preliminary report given by the Canadian royal commission of biculturalism and bilingualism. This two were cited as the quintessential source of Multiculturalism. The commission gave a final report and was published between 1967 and 1970; this became the first publication that talked about a multicultural story, thus the term multiculturalism was formed. The term has been used to illustrate cultural diversity, which has mainly based on the distinctiveness and identity of ones native ethnicity and language; but this was not necessarily a biological function. (Ronald L & Jackson)

The initial understanding of the term Multiculturalism mainly means that it is the effort of protecting and preserving Aboriginal or minority cultures. A lot of Democratic states consider enabling there consider enabling there minority ethnic groups by granting them Autonomity and political self representation. This made the term Multiculturalism gain a lot of popularity in the 9170s, especially in nations like Australia which wanted to follow Canada's lead. This Trend soon became common in USSR, and during the 1976 constitution 16 autonomous ethnic republics were recognized. (Ronald, L & Jackson)

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Causes of Multiculturalism

Globalization widely caused multiculturalism, it was brought about by colonization and it simply means coming together of different cultures, societies and economics. It is also through this process that the distance to another became relatively smaller. It was not long that there were inequalities in the world; which was between the rich (north) and the poor (south), and soon the south grew bigger through globalization. Migration is another main cause of Multiculturalism, especially labor Migration and forced migration. Whereby people from different cultures, had to move to other countries there by the different cultures mixed (Multiculturalism and Will Kymlicka).

America has the most racially and a cultural population in the World and this diversity has only increased over the years due to immigration which is another great cause of Multiculturalism. As this people come to America they come along with their cultures and distinctive ways of life. In the past few years many people have immigrated to the U.S illegally leading to a growing number of illegal immigrants (Howard, K &Pintozzi, D).

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Negative Effects

There are many negative effects caused by Multiculturalism, and one serious, effect is racism and Xenophobia which are powerful tools that motivate people. This can be seen by the examples of the Cold war and Nazi German (Some negative effects of multiculturalism).

Multiculturalism has created a lot of cultural diversity in most cities in the World; London being one of the most cultural cities in the world has not been left behind. But there are many negative effects of this Multicultural city. When you spend some time in London you will notice the language barrier that is present in many of its inhabitants. This is mainly caused by lack of confidence or the willing to learn, this is also because many of its residents don't bother to educate themselves to speak one common language spoken in the city (The negative aspects of Multiculturalism). 

Benefits of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism has brought about many benefits to many countries across the world, in Canada there are many different races from African, Indian, Latin, Asian etc. we can give Canada as an example because it is the most Multicultural Country in the World. A lot of the countries success can be attributed to Multiculturalism; this is mainly due to Immigrants coming to Canada (Samuda, 1984). Therefore Multiculturalism has brought about a lot of difference in Canada (Multiculturalism in Canada: the Benefits of a Multicultural society).

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Multiculturalism also benefits a country a lot, when a country has a multicultural society like in the case of Australia; which has now been enriched with intellectual, artistic and other many other attributes of immigrant cultures. It has also been discovered that the development of a Multicultural society in Australia will help the country, for example native born Australians will learn other foreign languages apart from English (Walter, J & Margret, M). 

Multiculturalism and conflicts 

In many Multicultural societies conflicts are always bound to occur any time, At times in institutions where departments are bound to take Multicultural initiatives like adding courses that deal with ethnic group experiences. If this and many other things are done without consulting or planning with the existing ethnic studies programs, this is bound to lead to the rise of a conflict in the Institution (Thomas, J, et al).

Multiculturalism in America

In America Multiculturalism originated in the 1950s, this was when there was the civil rites movement. This movement brought with it issues regarding Inequality, discrimination and oppression. People mainly put there demands on social and political institutions for their social recognition. In the 19th and 20th centuries Charles H. Wesley, W.E.B Duboi, George Washington Carver, All played an important role in promoting Multiculturalism and emphasized on the idea of "plural society" (Multiculturalism in America).

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The future of Multiculturalism

Multiculturalism in general has a bright future in the west; this is mainly because there are strong forces at work. Especially in modern western societies are going to ensure that there is a bright future for Multiculturalism. These forces are going to ensure that there is public accommodation and recognition of ethno cultural diversity. Multiculturalism is going to be enforced by constitutional norms of tolerance, public values and many others which will Multiculturalism are here to stay (Wessendorf, S).

In respect to immigrant groups the situation is harder, and the same factors that encourage multiculturalism in relation to historic minorities. They see the ability to contemplate Multiculturalism for immigrant groups. These policies have worked well under low risk conditions. But immigrants are seen as illegal and bound to bring a lot of problems. These perceptions bring about a lot of problems to forces that support multiculturalism.

In my opinion Multiculturalism, is a way to connect people from different backgrounds and ethnic beliefs to bring people together. When one learns about the cultures of another person he tends to understand him more, and learn about where he is from and how people behave there. This brings the two closer unlike before when they did not know about each other. A multicultural society should be encouraged, because people will bring about there talents from there different ethnic backgrounds so as to improve the society. If you look at the many Multicultural nations like America, Britain, Canada and many more, they show a lot of prosperity and development. So I encourage the practice of Multiculturalism in all ways possible so as to make the World a better place.

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Multiculturalism has different types of meanings; at one level the word means Acceptance, appreciation or promotion of multiple cultures. This is usually applied to the demographic make up of a particular place; especially at organizational levels e.g. Businesses, schools, neighborhoods, cities and nations. But in this particular sense Multiculturalism approximates to respect for diversity. Multiculturalism may also describe persons who posses more than one culture in them.

Globalization widely caused multiculturalism, it was brought about by colonization and it simply means coming together of different cultures, societies and economics. It is also through this process that the distance to another became relatively smaller. America has the most racially and a cultural population in the World and this diversity has only increased over the years due to immigration which is another great cause of Multiculturalism. As this people come to America they come along with their cultures and distinctive ways of life.

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Multiculturalism has created a lot of cultural diversity in most cities in the World; London being one of the most cultural cities in the world has not been left behind. But there are many negative effects of this multicultural city. When you spend some time in London you will notice the language barrier that is present in many of its inhabitants.

Multiculturalism has brought about many benefits to many countries across the world, in Canada there are many different races from African, Indian, Latin, Asian etc. we can give Canada as an example because it is the most Multicultural Country in the World. A lot of the countries success can be attributed to Multiculturalism. In America Multiculturalism originated in the 1950s, this was when there was the civil rites movement. Multiculturalism in general has a bright future in the west; this is mainly because there are strong forces at work. Especially in modern western societies are going to ensure that there is a bright future for Multiculturalism.



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