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The Human Relation Department

Quixtar is a health and beauty website in the United States, this website offers health ad beauty products, talks about body spirits and the different body shapes and how to maintain them and as well as the various skin types plus how to keep them in condition. Quixtar markets itself through its website whereby all the products and services that they offer are shown to willing purchasers. According to a publication that carried put in 2005 on the internet retailer company top 500 in America, the online sales reached a value of 110 billion dollars in 2005 of which 750 million dollars sales that provides online health and beauty service. According to Quixtar’s managing director Jim Payne, the hard work and dedication on the human relation sector was one of the reasons to the continued growth in sales of their products. The human relation department consists of support system (Chris 2004).

Support system

When a consumer make his or her order via the internet to the Quixtar organization, he or she is never alone; this is due to the human relation department team support that is behind the organization and most significant the support of the corporation. The support team includes the analysts, legal advisors, consultants, and managers who are in the sales and management sector of the organization. The support team member consists of IBO leaders through out the organization; this has been one of the main reasons to the increased trends in the sales. Advisors in Quixtar head out to assemble with the IBOs ad their business in the local towns and cities of the United States; they get to know the other leaders on a personal and open-minded level. Todd Krause, the director of sales at Quixtar commented that “we are sending our advisors into the field so we can learn more about our IBO groups and their cultures and develop a stronger relationship that will lead to growth and success” (Chris 2004).


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The above philosophy majors on the significance of, first, listening and comprehending the aspects and opportunities crucial to the IBOs. Second, being externally focused and involved by being equipped with the drifts in the market, the competitors and the needs of consumers. Third, sharing of the common knowledge is an aspect in the human relation development of Quixtar that is on the emphasis of the fact that knowledge is power. The more knowledge the IBOs are equipped with the more the business can share with them and the positive impact on the growth of the organization. Fourth, collaboration on planning in the business that entails the company having a meeting with the IBOs and developing plans that are business growth oriented. Fifth, the Quixtar organization members major on the identification of the right things to do and implementation of those aspects as first as possible with in the market. Finally, Quixtar focuses on making its rung less complex by staying on the main focus and making it easier for the IBOs to corporate with the entire business. According to the Quixtar’s staff, the ore the corporation joined hands with the leaders; the more it acquired knowledge from these IBOs leaders and in turn the more it fueled the growth of the Quixtar product sales (Chris 2004).

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Productive support that measure up

The advisors on the sales sector have for a long time in Quixtar been the individuals that have been the to-go people for issue such as the business issues, qualification questions and other strategic issues in the company. Apparently, the human relation department of Quixtar is advancing the support personnel, instead of waiting for the IBOs to be heard from and accompanied by their questions, the refrain sales has turned to be “how can we proactively address leader concerns before they even realize they have them” (Jones 2011). The sales advisors are not any more the people on the phone, but a presence in IBO home cites and towns, their role is a real partner in communication with IBO leader plus their sales group and together they aid in incorporating the business ideas in a manner that each and every organization does. The sales sector in Quixtar has also developed a database to hold the IBO feedback and track their best moves so as to be implemented in the company. Therefore, the IBO know is aware that their input in the business is of so much value as It is applied in aid to improve the business at every stage. The presence of sales advisors on hometowns has made a significance difference in the market of the company when the sales staff has the potential to make an individual appearance rater than always being on the phone. The concept of meeting one -on -one in the filed increases the relationship and trust between the advisors and the consumers. The growth and development of trust and partnership shows that the company has achieved two very vital goals all together; the solutions are more founded and bring much meaning to the company, and this brings in the success of each and every IBO and each and every business (Jones 2011).

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Equal opportunity for all people

The man relation development of Quixtar is based on the statement equal opportunity for all people due to the fact that the company has no boundaries for its customer; all customers get equal services with no bias according to their needs and their capacity, the company has no financial restrictions and no educational or language requirements. No time limitation, no put schedules and no restriction to what a customer can accomplish. Quixtar makes the people that are in the organization to the passion of the entire organization; this is based on the fact that success has to start from step one, which is at home in which at Quixtar organization (Jones 2011).

Breaking down cultural barriers

Today, the founder of Quixtar, Seung ho, Hyun Ja and their son Jae, have been in the frontline to break the culture barriers by changing their names and adopting American names, they have done this t ensure that the American customers are able to pronounce their names at ease and at the same time remember their names unlike the Korean names that are hard to pronounce and at the same time hard to remember. This was a necessary move to make as the future of Quixtar depended on their ability to work across different various cultures. In addition, the concept of breaking down the cultural barriers encourages people who come from different backgrounds, languages and cultures to collect and combine the knowledge of their person and business know how for the advantage of an organization. In addition the staff of the Quixtar has employed the concept of accepting the fact that the customer is one of the most valued asset in a business and thus should be treated well in order for him or her to come back, the Quixtar human relation department has applied the language of love whenever it is addressing I customer on sales services or when on online help via the internet or phone. The Korea family that runs the organization shows love to the Americans in each and every action that they do, this is despite the difference between the social background of the family and that of most of the customers who are citizens of the United States. They even had to change their names from Seung ho calling himself Michael, Hyun Ja calling herself Anne and Jae calling himself Jay (Jones 2011).

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Customers deserve to be treated right in order for them to come back again. For instance, in Quixtar, the staff is always in search of the different ways the customers can be contacted at with the most polite and at the same time appealing manner, they also believe in body language as being one of the most professional way of approaching customers. In accordance to Anne “as humans, we instinctively do it every day with those closest to us; we intuitively respond to it. I want every person to know that I care from the very first moment they see my smile. She adds n to say that the team members as they go through the business aspects and the training of products to the customer, the can always collect the right and finest words and regularly communicate to customers via the use of physical moves like acting things out. Psychologically, the use of hand movements and acts has been said to be effective as the human touch tends to sooth the soul of a person and in this case it has the soul of the customer. The company makes promotions of it s beauty products such as the skin lotions and make up products due to the fact that they are always appealing in a one-on-one situation with the client. A conversation about the wellness of an individual always likely to attract the attention of a person, this is due to the fact that almost all people would like to become better than they already are in either their looks or their body shape or body performance(Jones 2011).



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