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Shimala Vandu Limited

Mission statement: To provide good and tasty drinks that are of high quality, and are prepared using high standards that are nationally acceptable. These drinks should have a profit margin that covers all costs incurred and still is comfortable to the consumers. These drinks should be delivered in a strict, honest and friendly manner.


Organizational goals and objectives

  1. Social responsibility: Provide funds for fundraising of needy community activities. The company also provides their employees with free but paid for extra time to take part in voluntary activities that better the society.
  2. Employee performance and attitude evaluation: Employees will be evaluated on how well they performed based on financial and non financial standards. This evaluation will determine if an employee will be promoted or if they will be demoted.
  3. Management development: Management will be provided with paid for time and training programs to improve and develop their managerial skills so that they can serve the company better.
  4. Profitability: the company aims at making 35% mark up.
  5. Physical and financial resources: the company will prioritize its finances for renovation and maintenance of equipment because they are a major asset in the company’s production.
  6.  Productivity: the company aims to use few inputs in the production of quality outcomes.
  7. Innovation: the company will support any technological innovation that will help in the reduction of production costs. 



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Name of Supervisor: Judith Pere Mercy

Job Description:

Operational manager: He is based at the Corner House, 2nd floor. He reports to Tactical Manager on the same floor.

Job Purpose Summary: oversee employees work and ensure it is in the right manner.

He has the key responsibilities of:

  • Informing the employees about their duties;
  • Keeping employees register;
  • Supervise the daily work of employees and ensure that it is according to plan;
  • Calculate employees salary based on the hours worked;
  • Recheck the goods to confirm that they are sealed, of the correct quantity and quality and well placed in crates.


Supervisory skills

Listening: I did note this skill with the manager. Miss Judith is a good listener to her employees. She does not overreact even in the presence of a technical hitch. A good example is when the distribution machine broke down. She acted in a calm way to seek for a solution. The technical men were called in and they handled the issue in a mature way.

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Availability: Miss Judith keeps a register of all employees.  This enables her keep track of absentees from the place of work. This information also assists her in evaluating the amount of salary an employee is supposed to earn basing on the number of hours he or she has been active. This puts the employees on toes as they realize time is money. She also turns up to her place of work on time, to the utter surprise of other employees. She presents herself whenever needed to solve any issue within her capacity. Her availability puts her at the best position to understand all the departments within the organization.

Mission:  She figures out the most significant matters that need to be dealt with and ensures all is well. She works out to ensure the success of the company.

Transparency: This does not mean that she exposes all her secrets. She values confidentiality but allows the needed openness at the place of work. All records are accounted for and the employees are allowed to scrutinize any work done. This ensures positive progress in the organization.

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Delegation: Most of the times when she did experience heavy workload, she did delegate it to other workers. She did not allow her workload to break her down. Supervision could be left to junior managers. She could also ask the security guard to check on the attendance and punctuality of the employees.

Taking responsibility and giving credit: She made policies within the organization that stood out to ensure that every one was accountable for his or her acts. People were very careful in their dealings and they were out to ensure that everything worked out for the good of the company. Those who performed well were commended and given higher ranks in the organization. She valued hard work and dedication for the success of the company.

Realism: She ensured that all set goals were attainable. There was no unrealistic target in her mission and vision for the company. She tried not to engage her employees in works that could not benefit the organization.

At the time of my survey, the company was experiencing a major hiccup in the machine’s department. There was a major machine breakdown at that time. A technical hitch had caused all this. The presence of Miss Judith at the place of work ensured that the problem was dealt with immediately. She called in the technical department who were fast in ensuring that the machines were back into their normal working conditions. If she would not have been around, the company would experience loses due to the machine failure.

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I would wish to take this position. This is because I am ready for new challenges in the sector. The possibility of handling more employees will also be an interesting factor.



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