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Network and Telecommunication in Modern Businesses

There are operations with information vital for a business`s success, such as gathering, processing and finally using it. Even the simplest functions are to be organized and stored properly, kept up to date and accurate. Therefore, a serious consideration nowadays in given to the tools and applications able to perform those tasks faster, easier, though more efficient. As it is known, doing more with less efforts is the major goal of modern enterprises. Considering the amount of time, people, including legal bodies, communication expenditures, and the impacts they have on the business performance cannot be unseen. Legal bodies usually communicate with contractors, customers, suppliers and, obviously, the way they perform their functions on the market influences their competitive advantage.

Telecommunications include numerous information and communication applications for businesses and various commerce industries. The networks are generally used for getting in touch with partners, investors, suppliers and customers. It is hard to imagine a modern business without an e-mail or a website. Websites present a relatively new marketing tool as it helps to increase the amount of sales leading to the increased profit. In addition to using internet, many enterprises build the so-called “intranets” and “extranets”. First are corporate virtual networks with limited access, second are meant to communicate with external partners.

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E-commerce is rapidly growing these days. It involves sales between all kinds of businesses from all kinds of places and within any time frames. It facilitates import-export operations, local commerce, foreign investments and offshore operations. It`s impossible not to mention the e-markets. They reduce the costs of the enterprises as they don`t have to pay rent.

Among the types of businesses, involving telecommunications and networks, banks are on the first place. The entire banking system is built on transmitting data about cash, cards and transfer transactions. Engineering enterprises use those technologies as well. They involve design, logistics, inventory and pricing management. Even the pipeline energy transmission systems use telecommunications and networks to find damage or leaks and to let the workers know about it. Tourist sphere is the one using a wide range of services offered online: bookings, payments, tours etc.

The list of the benefits of telecommunications and networks use is impressive. It includes costs reduction, the possibility of immediate communication, increasing sales and safety (Butler, 2011).

The database is pillar of information technology. Enterprises commonly use three types of data: transactional for the applications support, analytical for making decisions and master – an object upon which these transactions are done and analyzed. During the data movement, a fourth kind of information appears – metadata (a data about data).

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The data warehouse represents a history of transactions from operations conducted on a certain object or action. It includes customer, product, assets, supplier and location information. These data warehouses produce a relevant necessary information but they remain fragmented and inconsistent and therefore require data cleansing. This process remains invisible for the operational applications and stays on the analytical part of the business. The so-called “clean data” is a result of this cleansing; it is a standardized, matching, errors removed data.

Thus, the use of the telecommunications and networks in the modern businesses is obvious. It has a number of positive effects but in order to derive a profit and benefit out of it the databases used in the enterprises should be managed properly. This includes the process of data in the warehouse cleansing, which is required for proper and relatively easy analysis and decision-making (Bell Enterprises, 2004).


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