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Job is Change


Wireless and digital technologies, complexity theory and human genome project have made changes about our ways of thinking. Why these changes have occurred in companies and who are responsible to make these changes. Power has shifted from inside to outside and from corporate planners to the aggressive buyers. Now the clients, customers, investors and stakeholders are in position to select among the arrays of their own choices. These changes have occurred suddenly, unpredictably and unexpectedly. These changes are also non-linear, sudden and constant. The amplitude and directions of changes are forecasted because new competitors are lurking in every part of the world. Now brands are established and seem unassailable. Internet buzz can produce the productive results with a short period of time. More chances are available than those of challenges which results in continues morphing of products and market. It has become financial instrument to purchase the cars on Web.

Now the car purchasing is easy on web due to communication devices. A company which can't change in a new environment can't survive in this world of competition. Google is a big source of information and company of high rank due to its products can be searched through searching it. People find reliable data and statistics on variety of companies. An ample opportunity can change the history by a successful change insurgency whether we work in a small or a big company. The leaders of the companies like Apple, Google and Whole Food Markets have proven to be the successful insurgents. Constant changes are occurring in companies but one thing has not still changes: Companies are resistant to this change. Companies can move towards the victory in producing the better products in a slow and steady fashion. Google have shown such features of its promotion which are unique in the Web world.

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There are 10 rules for the change insurgent but I have focused upon the only one rule which appropriately put into practice in Google promotion. The rule is the Manage the blood supply which describes the simpler facts about the competitive life. Google have evolved due to new ideas, new ways of thinking and new perspectives. Even the competing firms of Google have also made great changes but Google has occupied the central position among these companies like Yahoo and Microsoft etc. Google has demanded the infusion of new blood. It is also noticed that Google has emerged a company which interacted with new talent and ideas; and new partners are also monitored to reduce the tension among the already partners. Too much turbulence can create the problem for the Google but skilled and talented management has created the creative chaos.

Monitoring and managing the blood supply and turbulence are critical skills of Google management which keep the Google organization on a way to success. Greenpages, Infosys Technologies, Innovent Solutions, InSource, InteraWerks and KEMA etc. are the important partners of the Google. Google has brought these partners into a common group for its development and growth. Google Enterprise Partners have brought the new changes for the changing Web and Google World. These Partners provide the solutions to the customers throughout the world. The Partners of the Google have worked on this insurgent change rule to grow the Google business. Google assigns the projects to its new partners to generate the revenue and can complete the projects quickly and successfully. Yahoo and Microsoft are the competing firms of the Google. Google has provided the best services due to insurgent changes to its customers.

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We can conclude that insurgent changes are the requirement of new business world. Google has worked on these insurgent changes rules to survive in this changing world.


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