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Implementing Change

In each and every organization, change is inevitable. It comes a time when the organization ought to change so as to be relevant within the operating environment. The managers are in the front row in implementation of change. They are mostly the ones who pioneer changes, and work towards implementation of change.


In this paper, I seek to address the roles of a manager in implementing change. Additionally, the paper will examine how they ought to handle any resistance posed by his or her employees in implementing change, and the steps that they should take towards successful implementation of change.

The Roles and Responsibilities of a Manager towards Implementing Change

The first role of the managers is to determine whether the idea of implementation of change is viable. They have to see to it that the change is worth being implemented in the organization. If the bringing of the change into the organization is seen as worth being implemented, then the process of implementation is set to begin (Daft, 2011).


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The managers are then are faced with a task of selling the idea of change to the staff and other workers. The manager ought to make it clear to all the employees that the change is advantageous to them, and give them ways in which the specific change would be implemented. If there are specific people that are to implement the change, they should be notified by the managers, and made aware of their duties and responsibilities. The managers will also seek the opinions of the people in respect to the specific change that is anticipated so as to get their views on the same (Daft, 2011).

The managers should then ensure that the change implementation process is started, and that the resources that are needed are availed to the relevant persons and departments that are implementing the change.  The manager will then work together with the implementation teams to ensure the gradual process of change implementation is successful.

Some Ways through which a Manger can use to handle Resistance of Staff to Change

The managers need to educate and communicate to all the people being affected by the change. The managers should tell them of the advantages of the specific change, and/or any shortcomings that are anticipated. The managers need to seek the opinions of all the people and put it under consideration so that they do not feel that they are being left out of the process, and clear any doubts in the minds of the people, against change (Rothwell, Rothwell, & American Society for Training and Development, 2001).

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Additionally, they should involve the people in the implementation of change. When making decisions on whether to or not to implement the change, the concerned parties ought to be consulted. The people should also be consulted when the actual implementation process is being undertaken. For example, the employees and clients can have representatives in the panel that is making recommendations on issues affecting the company that could be in the process of being changed.

The managers should support and facilitate the whole process of implementation of change. The managers should pass relevant rules in the organization that should facilitate the process. They should also ensure that the resources that are required are availed, and the persons who are involved in the implementation are committed. This will ensure that people who are implementing the change do not develop any resistance that could arise due to lack of support from the managers. It will also serve as a motivation factor to see that the managers are in full support, both in terms of resources and mentally (Rothwell, Rothwell, & American Society for Training and Development, 2001).

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The managers should negotiate with the resistant people so as to agree with them on the best way to implement the change. This is to ensure they have an idea of what the grievances of the people are, and give them a chance to assure the people that the change is good for them.

The managers should use cooptation; this involves giving the leaders of the resistance groups the leading roles in the implementation process. They could also use explicit and implicit coercion where they could tell the people that the change is inevitable, and making it clear that any persons opposing it risk losing, for example their jobs (Rothwell, Rothwell, & American Society for Training and Development, 2001).

Steps of Change Implementation Process


This is the first step, where the management and all the stakeholders participate in the process of making sure that they weigh all the options, to make sure that the change is worth being implemented. They should look at the possible advantages, and disadvantages of implementing the change. If the possible pros outdo the cons, then the process of change implementation should be allowed to go on with the all the support (Sharma, 2007).

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After the specific change is allowed to be implemented, the managers and other stakeholders will come up with a plan to be used to implement the change. They will establish relevant resources that are needed, and how to get them. The persons who are responsible to oversee the implementation of the change should be appointed at this stage (Sharma, 2007).


This is where the exact process of execution of change is done. All the resources are brought together to ensure that there is change as required by the organizations’ stakeholders. The process that was formulated through which the change would be implemented is followed as planned (Sharma, 2007).


This is the final process where after implementation of the changes, the stakeholders will evaluate the achievements as compared to their targets. This enables them to identify where the process of implementation was successful, or failed (Sharma, 2007).


It comes a time when change is inevitable. In other times, change is optional to be implemented. The stakeholders are all involved in the process of implementation of changes, more so the managers who are involved in most of the activities in this process. The managers have a task of making sure that all the stakeholders are okay with the implementation of change, and participate in the process. The managers should take the stakeholders in the process of implementation of change as well.



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