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Diversity climate of organizational members

Diversity climate in the definition is "organizational members' perceptions and attitudes toward people from a variety of cultural groups other than own." The respective perceptions and attitudes manifest heavily in the behaviors as well as practices of individuals in the particular organization. By the year 2020, estimates indicate that nonnative Americans at the time will comprise only twenty-five percent of the total American work force. In other words, the rest will be coworkers coming from other countries. Without a doubt, the concept remains that diversity across the globe is increasing by day forcing organizations to think of better ways of approaching the situation (Fine, 1980). The organizations require procedures for analyzing diversity as well as how it is possible to implement the results in a cultural diversity-training program. For employees joining the organization, there is some excitement in meeting people from other cultures, but working particularly with someone born in another country becomes frustrating at times and perhaps slows down the pace of work because of communication breakdown problems or what seems to be cultural misunderstandings (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). Because of this, organizations do not have an option rather than establishing a cultural diversity-training program in respective job sites. This paper designs a model with procedures for diversity analysis as well as how it is possible to implement the results in a cultural diversity-training program.

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Organizations must first facilitate a learning of valuing culture as we generally associate often from backgrounds, social circles, or cultures, to make the need for quality the main and first objective. Majority equate diversity ideally with demographics, for instance race, economic class, sex and age, or with the perspectives of tolerance different from own (Schneider, Chung, & Yusko, 1993). Nevertheless, extended generally toward ideal boarder perspective diversity on the same note, provides a definition of individual characteristics of persons including the way they perform specific tasks within the workplace (Ronald & Marty, 2002). Because of the preliminary steps of diversity an individual can learn putting up with diverse of points of view, therefore, learning the different perspectives of individual in several groups can ideally bring to the table (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). Diversity brings in an understanding by the differences, which become meaningful and, therefore, it develops the ability of incorporating the values of others particularly in a specific cultural driven environment.

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Social capital and Human capital as mentioned in the respective text are referred to as the individual contribution potentially (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). On the same note, the social capital generally refers to the ideal potential of establishing strong relationships, teamwork and communication in an effort of reaching a common goal. With this in mind, organizations’ model of analyzing diversity can use the “crisis for opportunities model”. In the complex economic times currently, groups pool together in establishing some creative means of providing support for the major organization. This is one excellent method of bringing about diversity (Ronald & Marty, 2002). It is essential for any organization to realize that its people are the main organization’s strongest assets. When establishing an effort to employ competent, strong people the business in this case has a terrific chance to continue surviving.

One powerful concept of using for the organization in conducting an analysis for diversity is coming up with a means of ensuring the success of the ideal diversity plan. This is through the provision of diverse training to individual members of staff and management. This way, they will have ample knowledge on how to handle the same and be excellent in the analysis (Vaughn, 2006). These tactics characteristically celebrate the overall success particularly amongst the diverse types of employees (Schneider, Chung, & Yusko, 1993). Many organizations have the training programs in place. Staff and Management members are characteristically required to be participating, during the respective times of social networking taking place. Additionally, to the respective programs incentives instill high potential minorities particularly on a management level (Ronald & Marty, 2002; Fine, 1980). With such procedures, it is possible for the Leadership skill to be assessed well within about six months exposing the respective individuals with extensive creative talent skills.

Recruitment can also be a excellent method of analyzing diversity in any given organization. It is an enormous effort recognized by members of an organization’s management as an excellent tool of achieving workplace diversity strategies (Schneider, Chung, & Yusko, 1993). In this case, recruiting qualified minorities for instance women is a relevant step to support workplace diversity (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). Any organization has a terrific chance of analyzing diversity through using the recruitment process. At this time, the company can offer a mentoring program essential in making sure it retains talented minorities for instance women within an organization (Cox, 1991).

The best procedure would be to develop needs assessment, choose an appropriate method for online training delivery, choose the course content, arrange the content, develop each topic ideally in the online diversity-training course, develop an evaluation method and then review online training course aspects in ensuring that employees ideally get a comprehensive course precisely in cultural diversity training (Cox, 1991).

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Companies should on the same note, implement the results of the overall cultural diversity program (Fine, 1980). This is to help develop and maintain excellent diversity initiatives. Once the company comes up with its status quo on the diversity it should implement the same in making sure that diversity is upheld fixing any problems, which might pose as a challenge for the organization (Ronald & Marty, 2002). The application can be done through setting up benchmarks in a great effort of targeting outcomes of the goals of the organizations (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009). The benchmarks should base on the findings of the analysis. For instance, coming up with rules, which prevent any discrimination against a minority group within that organization to protect it is a terrific application (Cox, 1991; Fine, 1980).

The application can also be done in a case where the company committees sets up an efficient diversity training team consisting of members of division managers, management, and business resource teams that help in realizing the diversity in that organization (Schneider, Chung & Yusko, 1993). The application is also done through the establishment of networking within the organization to foster diversity, as well as a solid foundation helping foster diversity initiatives.

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Cultural diversity training is critical for professionals who work with individuals from different backgrounds, which includes ethnic, national, linguistic, religious, and cultural (Cox, 1991; Vaughn, 2006). A company can use the service delivery model where the worker uses skills for instance respecting ideal differences between respective cultures and understanding equally that other cultures precisely have different rules for behavior.


Without a doubt, the fact in any organization remains that diversity across the globe is increasing by day forcing organizations to think of better ways of approaching the situation. The organizations require procedures for analyzing diversity as well as how it is possible to implement the analysis results in a training program for culture diversity. Without appropriate development of the procedures and methods, inefficiency in training programs may feature within an organization. Since organizations are different from one another, it is appropriate that each organization seeks to develop its procedures and methods that ultimately lead to a particular goal.


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