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Blyth (3) defines a crisis as an unstable condition that can affect the political, social or economic aspects of a group or a populace, causing significant changes that affect goals. He further defines crisis management as making use of prearranged emergency strategies for the purposes of dealing with a crisis in the most effective way (Blyth 9). Therefore, seeking to avoid a catastrophe goes a long way in the pursuit of ensuring business continuity. Various authors have highlighted the importance of a contingency plan; such as the BCCM by highlighting the people to whom the BCCM is relevant to and its importance.

When advocating for a BCCM program, it is important to address the question of whom such information is relevant to. A BCCM program is basically imperative to all organizations in all sectors. This is because organizations are exposed to internal and external risk factors that might affect their functioning, and consequently, the sustainability of the organization. In support of this view, Fulmer (4) argues that organizations should have a business continuity program in place, as disasters are prone to occur at any time. Further, the effects of the tragedy can range from a minimum impact to an extreme impact, and thus, the need for a recovery program for any type of organization (McEntire 288).


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A BCCM program is crucial for a successful organization. This is true with respect to achieving a competitive edge over competitors. Fulmer (4) argues that every organization should ensure that it is more prepared to deal with a disaster than its competitors. This is because, if the competitors are better placed to deal with the crisis, the organization is liable to lose some if not all of its clients and contractors, as it strives to manage the disaster. Therefore, by having a BCCM program in place, an organization can still maintain its competitive edge and minimize the loss of clients or completely curb it, thus, maintaining its market share.

The BCCM programs help organizations to maintain and improve their reputation. According to McEntire (291), the ability of an organization to manage and restore its functioning capacity back to normal in due time is very vital towards the maintaining clients’ trust and the general public perception of the company. It also plays an integral part in ensuring that creditors or potential creditors to the organization do not nullify any transactions, thus, maintaining an organization’s credit merit. A good reputation also allows the organization to continue with its mandate without any disruptions from the general public.

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According to McEntire (287), it is paramount for an organization to meet the legal requirements for tragedy preparedness as per the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act. Further, crisis management is in line with the provisions of the National Fire Protection Association Standard (NEPA) which calls for the effective disaster preparedness and management. Therefore, by investing in a BCCM program, an organization will be in a position to meet the legal requirements for crisis management, and consequently, the organization will be able to operate within the rule of the law. Such a program will also be in line with the recommendations of the 9-11 Commission that called for better disaster preparedness after the terror attack of 9-11(McEntire 287-289).

Apart from increasing the recovery of business functions, the BCCM programs minimize financial losses. This is because the BCCM programs cater for disasters, thus, cutting on the unexpected expenses that would lead to the financial ruin (McEntire 291). This also ensures proper allocation and management of funds, therefore, meeting the interests of the stakeholders to the company without causing them any investment losses. The BCCM programs build on staff morale in view of the fact that they ensure their safety, as they go about conducting the business of the organization. This is supported by Fulmer who questions the level of the staff safety in an organization and the legal implications of the same in his quest to advocate for an adoption of the BCCM programs (4).



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