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The Human Digestive System

The body is made of a variety of systems that work harmoniously together to help the body work efficiently. One of these systems is the digestive system. The digestive system is made up of the digestive tract. This is represented by a hollow tube running from the mouth to the anus. Through this system, the body is able to break down and synthesize food consumed.

The various organs that make up the digestive system are the mouth, esophagus, intestines (colon and the rectum) and finally the anus. These organs are covered with a lining called the mucosa which produces digestive juices to aid in digestion. Moreover, they contain tiny glands that help in absorption of nutrients into the blood stream. The pancreas and liver are responsible for producing digestive juices that help in digestion. The gall bladder acts as storage for the livers digestive juices.

Digestion is important for the survival of any living being. This is because it is only through digestion that the food consumed is broken down into smaller molecules that can be easily absorbed into the blood stream. Once the food is broken down, the body is able to sort the nutrients it requires to nourish and build cells. This is helpful as it gives the body energy to perform other functions.


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Digestion begins in the mouth. Food is chewed and broken down into smaller particles in the mouth where it is also mixed with saliva and other digestive juices. The food is swallowed and once in the food pipe, it is turned to boluses that are carried down to the stomach for further digestion. Digestion is finally completed in the small intestines where it is absorbed into the bloodstream through capillaries.

The major hormones responsible for digestion are produced by cells found in the stomach and small intestine lining. These hormones include gastrin, cholecystokinin and secretin. These hormones stimulate the production of digestive juices as well as cause organ movement. The body is also equipped with ghrelin and peptide YY hormones which regulate the person's appetite. The interaction between the nerves, the blood, the hormones and finally all the organs responsible for digestion helps the body to make use of the foods and liquids consumed.



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