The firms to be used in this an analysis is two commercial banks. That is the commercial bank of America and the Emirates bank. These banks face the same problem by experiencing rapid changes in the business environment. These changes are as a result of globalization, high rate of competition, technological advances, strict regulation and the bank supervision.
Both the commercial bank of America and the Emirates bank play a key role in a country's economy. Both banks provide deposits to the public as well as to the private sector. They also provide loans in various options such as the secured loans, the unsecured loans, and the mortgages. Emirates bank and the commercial bank of America both issue lending facilities to their clients but both of them do not service the investment activities in the financial market in any way.
Both the Emirates bank and the commercial bank of American have social differences that have great impact on the management decision making. They have social difference in issues such as safety of the banks and monetary failure. They are also faced with the socials issue of whether to insure the savings or not. There is also industrial verse farming interest. The commercial banks are at a par on which group to serve. These differences in social issues resulted into conflict of interest thus leading to law level of checks and balances, in such a way that the certain group of players has much power relative to the rest of the management team. The conflict of interest has also had impact on the management decision making in that, there has been weak control system put in place coupled with imperfect separate functions that is not based on management principles of the firms. These differences on the social issues has also led to weak auditors being put in place by the management as a result of poor decision making.
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According to Crockett, (2003) the commercial banks have faced ethical differences on the credit worthiness of their clients based on their races. This has made the management team to have difficulty in deciding whether, racial aspect to be used as a criterion in evaluating the credit worthiness of an individual.
Mahon & McGowan (1996) points out that, these commercial firms have differences on the legal aspect. These differences are on the on the control methods to be put in use. The management has difficulty in choosing among the various control methods that have been proposed. There have been proposals such as whether overdrafts to be constrained by ceiling or by price incentives or whether the banks should resort to by pass as a control method.
Political differences in the commercial banks have been caused by either political intervention or political interference. There have been debates whether the state or the federal should take control of the banking system and also a difference on the role of the state banks and the basis in which the deregulation can take place.
In conclusion, due to the fact that the commercial banks are faced with same problems although they are located in different countries, and they face differences in social, political, legal and ethical issues a universal commission should be set to come up with recommendations that can be adapted by all commercial banks in the world in solving the problems that they currently face.
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