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The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell is a book that presents the author’s expert leadership experiences. Maxwell (2007) presents some valuable insights in the form of laws that seek to inform a leader and motivate a leader on how to progress successfully. Thus, some of the laws employed by the author in explicating his leadership experiences include lid, influence, process, navigation, law of E.F Hutton, solid ground, respect, intuition, magnetism, connection, empowerment, and magnetism. The author employed these laws to expound on some insightful experiences such as the law of reproduction that asserts how a leader is charged with the responsibility of nurturing other leaders. The law further states that a person who lacks leadership qualities cannot be in a position to facilitate the growth of juniors to leaders. Thus, this paper presents a personal reflection on the abovementioned book.

Several leadership concepts appear in the book. Firstly, the author utilizes the law of the lid, which depicts a leader as been a ceiling. Thus, this indicates that an organization has the potential to rise as high as a leader believes it can. Secondly, the law of E.F Huffton presents another leadership concept. Maxwell (2007) utilizes this concept to abound things that make a person a respected leader such as character, how a person relates with others, experiences, and previous successes. Lastly, Maxwell (2007) employs the concept of legacy to indicate how committed a leader oughts to be in with his duties. From the concept, it is evident that an effective leader has to lead by example and not abdicate his roles.


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From the book, I learnt that leadership is a process. Thus, I can assert that no one is born a leader because to become a leader, a person needs seasoning, which is derived from learning experiences. I also learnt that personal sacrifice plays a significant role for a person that wants to become an effective leader. Maxwell (2007) asserts that it is essential for a leader to maintain an attitude of sacrifice as it is essential in transforming an organization. These lessons can be applied in my life in that when I will be participating in a group activity, I will dedicate all my efforts for the success of the group and group members. In addition, I will study the group’s dynamics and deliver when it comes to the project’s related to the group in order to develop as an effective leader.

What I liked about the book is how the author incorporated religion to show how influential it is for a person to become an effective leader. For instance, under the concept of addition, the author points out that it is prudent as a leader to do things, which God deems valuable. This is in reference to adding value to an organization or a place where a person adds value through his services. What I disliked about the book is the author’s assumption that every region shares “America’s Leadership Culture”. The author draws most examples from America’s Basketball, Pro Football, and heroes from America’s civil wars.

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According to Philip Campbell, Maxwell (2007) provided practical insights that can impact to any person that subscribes shares the same religious beliefs as Maxwell does. However, Campbell notes that the author employed much of “American Leadership Culture” in explicating his ideas, which does not go well with some people outside America. I second Campbell’s opinion given that the author utilized minimum or no leadership examples from outside America, which proves the books bias regarding other regions leadership culture.

In conclusion, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is a book that offers insightful information to those wishing to become effective leaders. The author utilizes leadership concepts in explicating his leadership experiences. Some strengths of the book depict through the author’s incorporation of religion in explicating how a person becomes an effective leader. However, Campbell refutes the author’s utilization of “American Leadership Culture” in explaining effective leadership to people from other regions.



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