Malla, S. G. in his article Melting Ice: “Warning signs”, Malla 2007 talks about the liquefaction of the ice as a result of changes in the atmospheric pressure. According to the author, melting of ice affects the lives of people, the environment, the wild animals and agricultural activities. According to the author the warning signs are important as the impact of global warming cannot be predicted with certainty (Malla, 2007).
According to the author, global warming has greatly impacted into the environmental changes in the U.S and the world at large. There is need therefore for the U.S to reduce the amount of carbon emissions that causes the global warming effect. Global warming is caused by the green house gases and this leads to the melting of ice thereby affecting the ecosystem and its inhabitants.
The intended audience is the population at large and specifically the government in order to take the necessary measures to reduce the carbon emissions. This information seem valid as it is based on a research conducted by the ministry and therefore includes mainly primary data; though secondary data is used in the literature review. The author is objective as he gives a general perspective of the effect of the carbon emissions. In contrast, Mark Bowen looks at the climate change in context to the ice melting on mountains and their effects to the ecosystem. He however concurs with Malla on the effect of the global warming.
Mark Bowen in his article, unlocking the climate of the World’s Highest Mountains 2011 talks about the green house effects. The author specifically points out the contribution that the climate change has made to the problems being faced in the world today. In his book, he talks about the science of climate change and points out that the ice in Mount Kilimanjaro will disappear in the future due global warming. He attributes this global warming to human activities (2011).
The author points out that a slight change in the degrees of temperatures in the environment will lead to decrease in fresh water, and will result to increased flooding and reduce the amount of production in terms of crop yields.
The author relies on data from his own adventure as well as other data from interviews. He is objective in his book and gives a general view of the effects of climate change. In contrast, Paleto points out the effects of Glacier in the ecosystem in the U.S.
In his article Our Vanishing Glaciers, Pelto, M. 2007 states that about one third of the glacier in the Cascade will disappear as a result of global warming. The author uses pictures and tables to explain the changes in glacier since 1967. He asserts in this article that the remaining two thirds of the glacier may have a chance of surviving if something is done to stop the global warming effects (Pelto, 2007).
The author points out that the melting of the ice in cascade is detrimental to the amount of water that flows into the rivers and the reduction of ice will affect the aquatic life in the said rivers. It will lead to a less amount of water for power generation as well as affect agricultural activities. This article is intended to the general public and the government as well. The human impacts according to the author have led to the changes in the climate and the temperature. It is also a political issue as the governments should set laws and take the necessary steps to reduce global warming.
The author mostly uses secondary data on facts about the vanishing glacier which seem valid. He outlines his ideas and supports them with tables, pictures and graphs on how glacier levels have been deteriorating over the years. The author is objective and indicates possible future implications of declining glaciers in the mountains. In contrast to the arguments of Pelto, Lenny expresses the need for the various governments to adopt the Kyoto protocol in an effort to reduce global warming. He however agrees with Pelto on the impacts of ice melting on the environment.
In his article Fire and Ice Lenny 2005 talks about the effects of climate change on the melting ice in Western Canada and Eastern Asia. The author is concerned about the future of planet earth if the increasing temperatures around the globe are anything to go by. In this topic, Fire ad Ice, the author talks about the far reaching implications of the melting ice on the aquatic life. He specifically mentions the polar bear that lives on ice and the species that depend on the ice such as humans in terms of food produced through agricultural activities.
The author bases his argument on a research carried out by a team of 300 scientists from about eight countries and other indigenous organizations. The author’s opinion is therefore based on this research, that is, he uses primary data. The author concludes by indicating that it is time that the world adopted the Kyoto Protocol and stop the climate changes experienced due to carbon emissions before we experience a total damage in the climate systems (Lenny, 2005). He agrees with all the authors cited above on the devastating effects of ice melting.
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