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Dickinson and Hughes

Perception of men's appearance is quite different within variety social structures and cultural aspects. In this paper I would like to show controversial biographies of two classic writers Emily Dickinson and Langston Hughes; their interpretation of our not always fully understandable world. There are many "illusions to a pure world but the characters are too problematic," as stated in a critical review of eternal problems. Dickinson and Hughes are very different writers by their style and problems which they portrayed through their writings however, there is one characteristic common for both it is deep ideas in their writing style that makes a reader think and change hir/her perception of this world. Dickinson in her poem expresses her desire for the deceased to be adorned instead with "artery and vein". Dickinson writes, "Upon fastened Lips lay words-/affiance it again". Dickinson longs to hear her subject of mourning speak. Although she is aware that the lips will remain motionless and fastened shut, she portrays her unequivocal desire to have the deceased defy the norms of death. The word 'affiance', which means to betroth or engage, supports Dickinson's disbelieving state of mind. She is finding it difficult to accept the permanence of death, and is demanding from some unknown person or power to animate the deceased again with life. Dickinson's confused lamentation continues as she states, "To that pink stranger we call dust/ Acquainted more with that than with this horizontal one/ That will not lift its hat". Through this statement, Dickinson seems to be drawing upon the Judeo-Christian religion of the creation myth. This particular story describes man to have been molded by the hands of God out of clay. Clay, in fact, is made up of a reddish-pink material, which could explain Dickinson's choice of diction as she calls dust a "pink stranger". By creating this image, it can be assumed that she is alluding to the people who have not yet been created as well as the mysticism and unanswerable questions that pertain to creation. Therefore, by saying that she is more acquainted with this unfathomable myth than with the deceased that lay 'horizontal' before her, Dickinson expresses her inability to relate to or understand death. Through her vivid images and specific diction, Emily Dickinson effectively portrays the emotions that are evoked as a result of death in poem # 341. Dickinson begins this poem by stating, "After great pain, a formal feeling comes" (Thomas, 49). The intensity of such emotion tends to dissipate with time, yet often leaves the mourner devoid of sensation or feeling. This emotional numbness is apparent as Dickinson writes, "The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs". By comparing the image of a tomb, which is representative of death, to the nerves, which enable a person to feel, Dickinson seems to be implying this very notion of emotional numbness. After the intense pain evoked by death, a person, like a tomb, is left cold and unfeeling. They are also similar to a stone tomb that holds death by holding memories of the deceased, but they are unable to do anything more than remember. Dickinson continues by stating, "The stiff Heart questions was it He, that bore,And Yesterday, or Centuries before?". By utilizing such diction as 'stiff', which is defined as something not moveable, Dickinson could be referencing to the heart of the deceased that can no longer feel or beat. ...


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