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Violent Media

The core issue brought out in the two studies is the real effect of the violent media such as video games and movies on the psychological response of people amounting to decreased helping behavior. The first study illustrates the case of video games, a strong desensitization tool, causing decrease in cognitions, perceptions, and the propensity to offer help in arising situations. The second study unveils the activity of violent movies causing a delayed help response in whole natural settings. The writer uses a scenario of a person with injured ankle as a result of interpersonal violence in study 1 and unknown cause in study 2. In both cases, the author elucidates that media violence not just empathizes on the victims of violence, but it is rather influenced by physiological and emotional reaction towards the severity of the injury.

A real life scenario exemplifying this concept is reluctant to help or intervene in fights. Those under the influence of watching mostly action movies with thrilling scenes of fighting, shading of blood, burning and even stabbing would respond poorly in terms of offering help to someone fighting or being beaten by another person even at the point of death. This is because the mind developed a notion of entertainment, fear, and anxiety regarding fights or beating hence a person would rather sit back and watch to enjoy the scene instead of offering the necessary help.

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The feature cleverly constructed in this article is discussion. This is because it not only elucidates the findings but also delineates the methods and analyses. For example, the point expressed in the discussion that women help less often than men answers many queries. This can be noted to deviate from the main finding since it has always been a common occurrence even prior to video games and movies being at the heart of entertainment in the society. Therefore, this is a meticulously written article turning out to be relevant and informative.


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