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Students Relationship

A culturally diverse environment is ideal for good students relationship which will enhance inter and intra personal relationship. With students understanding diverse cultures in the world, strong bonds and understanding will be achieved with such proactive measures. It is my believe that the rich cultural background I have will go miles further in assisting and enhancing cultural diversity at university of Washington.

Being an immigrant from (INDICATE YOUR COUNTRY), and English being a foreign language, I strongly believe to inculcate culture and experiences of my community within the university. When people from diverse culture get an opening to share their culture and experiences, students will be in a position to learn positive attributes and behavior from one another. It is in this regard that I trust that many students will benefit from the rich culture and practices from which I come from. In our culture, hard work, respect, trustworthiness and painstaking have always been emphasized to all members of the community.

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Having been brought up in a disciplined, respectful, painstaking, time conscious and inspirational family, I have confidence to inculcate the same to the community. This will be achieved through enlightening other students on how hard work and candidness can lead to great achievement in life and career. The other aspect that is greatly emphasized in my culture is discovery and exploitation of talents. Through participation in sporting and games activities, one is able to discover areas of potential. This will therefore be appropriate for students who will discover and exploit their talents for a better future. I grew up in a nation where I was raised in an environment entirely different from a typical Western family

During my school days in my country, I was active in cultural competitions which made may have an insight to gritty details of our culture. I will therefore blend and share this information to the UW which will add value to the program.

The combinations of where I came from and experiences I have gone through culminate in making me a student who is richly diverse be beneficial to the community. Being brought up in a discipline and hard work embracing community, I will work with diligence and ethically to contribute towards the success of the program. I am a good team player, enthusiastic, energetic and above all, dependable. I look forward to bring my experience and rich culture to the community.


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