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Child and Family Nursing

Children under age of five always thrive in families with caring and committed parents. Devoted caregivers and nurses always come in handy when dealing with children of this age. They provide the necessary advice to the parents and accord the necessary attention to the kids. These children learn primarily through imitation and thus, need to be given appropriate supervision. The availability of reliable caregivers, especially up to five years of age is essential for establishing a clear sense of trust in the family and its well-being. Children under age of five need a caudal relationship with people around them of all ages. Infants and toddlers always thrive in family-style of different age care. On the other hand, children of this age love nurturing, that is a model of their adults and also experiences their own space in the continuum of growing and developing. This is the ultimate foundation for learning and healthy development in kids (Steve, 2012).

The uniqueness that every young child does pose is a thing to appreciate. Infants have every right to exploit their gifts and talents. These mostly develop at the early stages of growth in a child’s life. The journey of life calls for preparation from the extremely early stages in life. When traits are nurturedchildren learn how to speak, and emulate everything that their parents practice. Infants and toddlers always develop healthily if their parents, guardians or nurses allow them to have freedom. This could be in terms of movement or play, in an environment that is safe. For three- to five-year-olds, foundation for school is formed by creative play. They should not be engaged in rush education and technological involvement at their early stages (Javins, 2010).

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Research conducted, shows that young children who are in loving, caring relationships always have a low stress response to life than those children who experience relationships that are not secure. Brain imaging research also suggests that there is eminent neurological basis to existing human ability necessary to establish, secure desirable attachments with others. These include adults and children. Mothers who are experiencing motherhood for the first time feel the greatest reward looking at their children’s faces (Strathearn et al., 2008). Hormonal changes that associate with pregnancy and child birth always prime mothers, in their lifetime, to respond this way. Their neurochemical responses, however, also need to be shaped. This can be done by experiencing care that exists, for their infants. This same process allows biologically based relationships to develop between the infants and their non-maternal careers. These include nurses, their fathers, foster parents and grandparents (Carine, 2012).

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The way a five year old relates to the immediate environment can be a clear indicator of how his or her future life will shape. This is particularly vital in line of their social life. They always emulate what they see or capture in the immediate environment. The child’s relationship with the nurse, or caregivers, entwined with the environment posed to him, or her; make a positive impact in his or her social life. These include the arts that nurture the children in term of resting and playing observation of regular meal times, and also exploring nature. Beauty, love and comfort, in a home, give the children under age of five the hope for a better life.

Early experiences in life involving family interactions do have long-term influences on different children under the age of five. Researchers are always discovering the long-term effects of parent-child interactions that occur in early stages of development, and are working to formulate amicable interventions that can be beneficial to the whole family. Any occurrence on the child as he or she develops should be addressed with all the care he/she deserves. This will ensure there are no cases of negligence. This is the most crucial stage in life as the child tries to emulate everything he or she perceives in the family.

Families who experience any issues that are psychosocial always rely on nurses for the management of such situational crisis. These issues, within the nursing profession, include coping with health conditions, family strengths, and also resilience to such matters. Studies do confirm that persons can be understood best within their immediate family or call it social context. A strong foundation that is necessary in nursing care plan can only be applied by examining the entire family, as a unit as opposed to studying every family member in isolation (Savala, 2012).

The American Academy’s Child Expert Panel of Nursing also acknowledges the dire need that exists to incorporate family strengths in all aspects of nursing. As the relationships between children under age five and their parents always invoke the direction in life that he or she takes, it is necessary to honor the findings that studies bring forth. Studies conducted in 1999, by a panel of twelve child-family nursing experts, brought about core values and assumptions in this sector. Family strengths did surface as a significant quality and also outcome indicator. The family strength qualities that did emerge include: Commitment in all issues touching on the family, showing appreciation and affection to all family members, communicating in a positive way, enjoying time and life together which enhances relationships, recognizing the essence of spiritual well-being and finally coping with stress (DeFrain, 2010).

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Children under the age of five are an essential function of the society. There is the need to culture and nurture them in the most positive way. Families have the necessity of understanding the values of healthy parenthood. The virtues incorporated in the system of care will trickle down to the eventual elderly person in society. It is also essential for parents to have close attention on the small issues that may sparkle concern on the young children. The little developments have grave impacts on the growth of the child. This means that parents should assess the minor characters that their children may develop (Quigley, 2009).

The use of the American Family Strengths Inventory (AFSI) generates answers to the most fundamental issues that affect families (Carine, 2012). In this method, participants should always place an "S" which stands for strength. This is beside the qualities that they may feel their family has been achieving. A "G" should be placed beside the qualities that a potential growth area exists. If one finds out that the given characteristic does not apply to the family in question or is not so beneficial to them, it is necessary for them to place "NA" which implies not applicable. Family members, undertaking this exercise can identify areas that they would wish to improve, and strength areas that will always serve as their foundation for growth and positive change. The AFSI is under recommendation of many researchers. It has worked for more than twenty thousand family members in the U.S. and all over the world (Jesse, 2012).

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There are three ways in which a nurse can use the above family strengths concept. This is necessary for young children below the age of five. They include: identifying the strengths that exist and providing feedback to the family members, offering assistance to family members in developing their strengths, and involving him or herself in the calling forth of family strengths in order to achieve goals or even solve a problem (Savala, 2012).

In a bid to assist families to cope with stress related issues and crisis effectively in all health-related situations, nurses can go out to provide consistent information touching on the caring plan. It is also necessary to encourage the families on the benefits of utilizing community and counseling resources in order to prevent or minimize stressors. The essential part of positive communication is the need for healthcare providers to listen and establish a relationship that is trustworthy. This is where families will feel free to share their views and always accept professional advice from nurses without feeling ostracized in any way (Stinnett, 2011).

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It is necessary that nurses consider assessing the infant’s family's strengths whenever one is planning to provide care for the family. The children’s life is remarkably delicate, and they need the greatest attention one can offer. As a nurse, it is essential to help families, not to only cope with, but also understand stress. Provision of consistent information will aid this. There is the need to listen and ensure that a caudal relationship exists between the two parties. The spiritual perspectives should also be addressed as families differ in their beliefs. Creating confidence in families and echoing the research that has been verified as valid is essential for the success of family nurse care. Families should understand the benefits of appreciating each other, despite the differences they might have. There are situations that call for help and families should be there for each other.


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