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Correlation Statistical Analysis

This assignment is a correlation statistical analysis of between the symptoms and function in older adults with comorbidity. The main objective is to basically try and associate the correlation of the symptoms of comorbidity with the function of the older adult. Also there is analyzing of the symptoms scores if they are aligned with mobility function and to help identify symptoms huddle which are fostered by functional conditions with the elderly adults.Correlation analysisDue to the aging of the population there has been recent rise in the numbers of the older adult that are living and co-habiting states of the comorbidity. The prevalence of this condition mainly in the U.S. is estimated that by the year 2020 it shall reach 93 million. Comorbidity is usually associated with risk intensifying of disability, healthcare exploitation and mortality; this is viewed to be over common diseases (Anderson, 2004).Major obstacles that are met when clinicians try to address the issues of comorbidity is the involvement of independence diseases or the injection of diseases and also if there is no acknowledge of the process of disablement. Analyst have ascertained that most of the disability cases are due to multiple pathological slurs, however, majority of the patients usually associate their incapability of duty performance with only a sole symptoms (Cochran, 1997). Through the decades that have passed the use of Nagi disability model has proved efficient in provision of abstract scheme which differentiates disease formed from pathological insult from symptoms during the development of disability.


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The Nagi model acknowledges that symptoms are the process by which develops into improper functional or in other cases extinguishes this process. This is explained by the fact that symptoms are random in most multiple diseases and have relation with disease, this is analyzed that mostly symptoms usually are representation of disability burden available pointers which are clinically relevant (Fried Et al. 2004).

The correlation of symptoms with function is mostly best understood by the fact that poor functions are closely linked to some definite symptoms clusters. With this acknowledgement this is now easy to provide a foundation which favors the intervention of symptom support screening tools which can allow easy access to disability risk and may disclose particular symptoms which are targeted for interferences.According to Anderson (2004) from this analysis the correlation of the symptoms scores with mobility function is considered to be least strong that the correlation of diseases results. There is great association of symptoms with functional results when the diseases are controlled. Increased functional results are the results of contained diseases. The sole symptom that was addressed and viewed to be a hurdle in decrease of function is the muscle weakening. The core relation was amiable and there is co-habitat of symptoms and functions if there are no regular exercises to the older adult.Majority of the functioning facets that are correlated with symptoms are mostly treated through early detection and treatment, this is viewed to add value to life and also reduce comorbidity. The correlation exist between symptoms and function but this is only mostly in the cases where the elderly sole symptom is inability.



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