Human fascination with toys depends on the desire to imagine ideas and situations and is predetermined by the way in which information is absorbed. Toys are meaningful because we can interact with them. They help us fantasize and imagine situations which are outside our routine daily life. Having the goal of immersing into experience, toys vary greatly in how much of our imagination they demand. Some toys leave a lot to be imagined, while others can be experiential and concrete in their immersion.
Being a child I got a splendid present – a brown teddy bear. It was my favorite toy as we were together all the time, in sorrow and in happiness. For me, it was also an educational toy because my parents related stories to it, and I was really excited to listen to the stories revolving around my favorite bear that looked like an actual bear in character, but was rather soft and caring. This cuddly toy helped me recover faster, it reduced stress and was the stimulus to start training in order to become so strong and fearless. I got a lesson that strong personality can be huggable, loving and soft at the same time. The toy helped me overcome difficulties as I always recalled my strong, fearless and powerful teddy bear. It has left a special spot in my heart. May be that is why I give teddy bears to my friends on different occasions. I think this toy leaves a lot to imagine.
Thus, toys may improve our lives and help to break down the walls created by society. Being examples to follow, they become acceptable means by which we can explore the world in new ways. Toys are our world of wonders, imagination and excitement, a world that transcends reality and allows us see the universe in a creative way. Finally, they make us more resilient, self-confident and self-reliant.
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