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The Great Wall of China

Nothing unique and exciting like the “Great Wall of China “can get away unnoticed in the world today. UNWSCO in 1987 identified this iconic structure that meanders east-west of China as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The gigantic arc-shaped dragon stretches up and down in diverse geographical features across grasslands, yellow ridges (Huangya pass), deserts (Ordos), rivers (Ju river), mountain ranges (Samati) and forests (Mutiany), towns as well as cities in approximately 5,500 miles from the east (shanhaiguan pass) to the west (Juayuguan pass). It snakes through main regions like Shanxi, Beijing Gansu, Hebei, and Shaanxi. It is a massive and prominent feature present on the earth service. The Great Wall commences from the east of the yellow sea, snaking through the capital, Beijing and meandering through various provinces in Western China. At first, several separate walls were built which later got joined together to make one gigantic, strong and collectively unified wall, otherwise known as the ‘Great Wall’.


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From thousand of miles away, east of the yellow sea, and just like a snake, the Great Wall winds through the varied Chinese terrain. Along the way, small walls protruding from the main wall forms a wall-like series constructed, reconstructed as well as expanded through centuries. These walls are made of bricks, stones, wood, temped earth among other materials (Turnbull & Noon, 2007). Approximately, the Chang Cheng (Great Wall) has length of 2500 miles, a width of 15-30 feet and a height of 25 feet (Turnbull & Noon, 2007). Owing to it historical significance and the architectural grandeur, the Great forms one of China’s most toured sites constructed and reconstructed for over 250 years. It is the most undeniable humankind’s enduring and most prominent structural feats in the world today.



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