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Programs That Meet People’s Needs

The Physical Education Pilot Program for elementary schools is renowned for its exceptional standards of curriculum excellence. With an increased concern for childhood obesity and inactivity, this program is undeniably important as any other academic program. The Physical Education Pilot Program was established in 2006 after the Arizona Legislature passed the House Bill 2040 (Horne 13). The physical education curriculum for elementary students is child-centered. This can be attributed to the fact that this program focuses on giving youngsters a piece of equipment that enables them to progress and develop at a rate that is individualized. As a result, elementary students learn and experience the satisfaction and joy of being physically fit irrespective of their personal strengths or weaknesses. Such programs allows those who pursue it to discover and understand the importance of physical education, sports, health science as well as the many careers that it presents (Lumpkin 253).

Lunmpkin (87) contends, physical education has many benefits to those who take it seriously. It is imperative to understand that this program meets the required threshold of the National, State and District Standards for Physical Education (Horne 22). Each lesson is scheduled to run for thirty minutes. The thirty minutes will be subdivided into four parts: the introductory activity part, the fitness activity session, the lesson focus session, and the game activity session. The four part lesson allows for higher rates of activity time and a well-rounded experience for students.


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Research indicates that the elementary physical education program is not only associated with the physical well-being of the students, but also with the positive student’s results. Romance, Weiss and Bockoven (129) identify three valuable students’ outcomes. They include

  1. Improved work habits and school attitudes.
  2. Improved communication skills and peer relationships, because it involves several students from the diverse cultures and ethnicities.
  3. Improved behavior, motivation and grades.

Considering that eating habits of children all over the world are changing every day, the needs for elementary school students are expected to change by the year 2020. Nonetheless, the Physical Education Pilot Program for elementary schools will be able to meet the changing needs. This is because the government has recognized that substantial exercise is good for every American child as it improves their health, performance and healthy habits for the rest of their lives.



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