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HIV Prevalence on Injection Drug Users

My personal research interest is HIV prevalence on injection drug users. I am interested in the injection drug users as a drug abuse, the injection drug abuse in particular, has been closely associated with HIV. It is explained by the intoxicating and addictive effects of drugs that alter people’s inhibition and ability to behave in a safe way. Injection drug abuse is blamed for HIV infection due to needle sharing. According to IHRA (2012), one of the main causes of HIV transmission is injecting drug use. The number of HIV infections associated with injection drug use is high. More than 30% of global HIV infections outside (irrespective sub-Sahara Africa) are blamed for injecting drugs, and this number is constantly growing. People who inject drugs face the highest risk of HIV infections. Each year almost 50,000 people in the USA are infected with HIV. However, it is a global problem. More than 30 million people around the globe are living with HIV infection. The infection causes AIDS, and almost 2 million people died from it in 2011(WHO, 2014).

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In the world, almost 16 million people use injection drugs. 3 million of them are living with HIV infection (WHO, 2014). It means that every tenth inaction drug user is HIV infected. Numerous researches and programs aim at preventing HIV infection among this category of people. As a rule, women have a higher risk of HIV infection than men. It is explained by gender based violence, increased risk of sexual activities, pressure to share needles and others. In some cases, women tend to use drugs due to social discrimination and limited access to medical care. Researches in can reduce the risk of HIV infection among injection drug women and prevent the infection among children.

The research problem is important as the issue of injection drug use associated with HIV infection inevitably affects different countries around the globe. It is closely related to the mobility of drug users, their social and sexual interaction with those who do not use drugs. Research in the field of HIV and its transmission among injection drug users has generated a number of successes in the area of the infection prevention. Some interventions and strategies have been developed to prevent the HIV transmission among this category of people. In addition, researches helped to define factors that influence HIV transmission. Education as well as sufficient and accessible information enable to reduce the number of infected people. Moreover, voluntary HIV testing, condom use, counseling, and drug abuse treatment are also effective in combating the infection.

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Injection drug use and needle sharing are closely associated with the spread of HIV infection. Researches show that there is a decline of HIV infection among injection drug users, however, this issue still requires investigation. The prevention of drug abuse has shown positive results due to the decreased number of injections and elimination of injection sharing needles. In addition, there is a reduction of HIV infecting within ethnic groups, gender, and sexual partners. It is extremely essential to prevent needle sharing and the use of preventive measures among injection drug users. Thus, the research is important to me as I care about HIV infected people and feel immense desire and need to help them. Unfortunately, infected people, especially those from undeveloped countries, have no access to medical care and lack of information about HIV prevention and treatment.

I think there are several areas that should be improved in nursing. First, nurses should be more qualified and trained to work in a patient-centered environment. They should be able to effectively treat drug abusers and take preventive measure if necessary. Second, modern nurses have many patients to attend, and they have little time to spend on each of them. Therefore, communication is the key to the successful cooperation of a nurse and a patient. Nurses should be prepared to be good and active listeners. Their aim is to listen to patients and provide them with immense understanding and care. They should not interpret, analyze, or give advice, they should listen and be more likely to follow their treatment plan. Third, real nurses should provide sufficient care. It lies at the heart of devoted nursing. It means that every nurse, irrespective of grade, role, and discipline, is responsible for ensuring proper care.

Despite substantial progress in the sphere of HOV disease treatment, the scope of the global pandemic is still threatening. Unfortunately, the number of new infections is stable, and much should be done to prevent the disease and reduce the number of HIV infected injection drug users. Prevention strategies of the infection transmission can be successfully implemented together with proper education of nurses and the engagement of special programs that educate injection drug users. New interventions of HIV prevention should include a combination of medical advances, strategies that aim at behavioral effects, and comprehensive approach used by medical workers. It is evident that no prevention strategy and program will be successful without qualified and specially trained nurses and doctors. Humanity should confront this disastrous infection with multiple preventive measures and constant researches increase awareness of the risk of infecting among injection drug users and decrease of HIV infection among this category of people. However, the task of any nurse is to help people and provide them with professional care and treatment irrespective of their qualification.


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