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Effects of Domestic Violence on Children

Domestic violence affects children who witness the antisocial actions of their parents, neighbors, or friends. Children from families with an experience of domestic violence suffer psychologically, socially, and physically. It is estimated that in 2012, 7 to 14 million children have suffered domestic violence at their homes. Parents fight, abuse each other and, to an extent, transfer violence to their children. The parents who practice domestic violence do not want to cause any harm to the children, only to their spouses, but in the process, children are affected as well.

It is estimated that about 2 million children in California witness domestic violence from their home and they are afraid of speaking out about the problem. They feel that they do not have rights to do anything; therefore, even in class they remain silent when the teacher asks questions. Close observation of those children can lead to relief of their situation. They tend to have dysfunctions in the various areas of behavior, emotional, physical and social. When not given attention, the situation worsens and a child can grow up with a negative attitude towards life.


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Mostly, children who witness domestic violence from their home become victims of child abuse. There are several stages of the effects of domestic violence on children. During the first stage, it is hard to notice change in the child, but after a few days, the symptoms manifest themselves. Children should be given attention when the symptoms arise. It is difficult to track the cases of domestic violence because they are rarely reported. The government of America has introduced a program to support and reinforce children’s rights. This program cannot work effectively without the help of social workers. There is no clear evidence that children are affected by domestic violence because they suffer silently.

Statement of the problem

Children are affected psychologically, sociologically, educationally, and physically by domestic violence from their families and neighbors. There is need to investigate the effects of domestic violence on children and ways of preventing children from been victims of circumstances.  This study is aimed at identifying the effects of domestic violence on children and the ways to ensure that children grow without unnecessary pressures.

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General objective

The study is aimed at finding the factors affecting children as a result of domestic violence.

Objectives of the study

i)  To find out the effects of domestic violence to children.

ii)  To find out ways of preventing children from suffering from domestic violence effects.

iii) To find out why many families resort to domestic violence and the way to stop and minimize domestic violence in families.

Study significance

This study is set to identify the effects of domestic violence on children. It may assist the children who have suffered emotionally, physically, and socially to recover from their traumas. Many children have dropped out of school, while others have worsened their performance, and this study seeks to ensure those children are helped. The study will also assist the parents who have been committing domestic violence in realizing the effects they have been causing to their children. The government and other organizations, which take care of children’s affairs, will get directions on how to handle domestic violence cases. The study will improve the knowledge of the students in colleges and universities.

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Scope of the study

The research will cover high schools, children day care, and social work institutes, which deal with children’s affairs in California.

Limitations of the study

Many cases of domestic violence remain a secret to the public because of the fear of shame. The respondents will not be willing to give out their truth and even the neighbors will not want to disclose the problems of their friends. Due to the lack of information, it will be time consuming to investigate all children in California.


The following areas will be highlighted: research design, population, sampling approach, instrumentation, data collection procedures, data analysis techniques, and data presentation.

Research design

This research will take on the form of a descriptive survey and the researcher will use explanatory study to find the effects of domestic violence on children in California.

Research questions

i)  How does domestic violence affect children?

ii) What are the causes of domestic violence?

iii) Does domestic violence affect children from neighbors’ families?

iv) How can the effects of domestic violence be prevented from affecting children? 

Study area

The population of the study will include 20 social work institutes, government probation department, and 10 high schools from California. The population of study will include those areas with a population of 5,000 people.

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Given the quantitative nature of study, a non-random sampling approach will be employed, because qualitative investigation allows for relative degree of non-representation.


The research will use a questionnaire, which will consist of the awareness scale items measured on a five-point scale. The questionnaire will be used because it is not expensive and there is less chance of retrieving the false information from the respondents.

Data collection procedures

The data will be collected using the questionnaire which will be administered to probation officers, high school teachers, social workers, and some children. The questionnaires will be mailed to the respondents with an introduction letter that requests a response in a fortnight. The filled questionnaire will then be collected from the respondents.

Data analysis

The researcher will process the data by means of editing and coding after the responses to different questioners have been provided. The number of responses to each questionnaire will be analyzed and classified into meaningful categories.



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