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Worldview of Islam

Part one:

The history of Islam starts with the prophet Muhammad. The roots of his prophecy lie in the Night of Power, the date between 26th and 27th Ramadan, when he was meditating in the caves as usual and a horrifying vision appeared. The one who was called Archangel Gabriel ordered Muhammad to deliver the Allah’s will to people. The Quran, therefore, is a written record of the Allah’s will, received by the prophet.

The Muslim identity differs from the others, aimed to make people understand their inner world or the universe, or their understanding of life. The explanation of the identity of Islam lies in the name itself. Translated from Arabic, “Islam” means “submission” (Davies-Stofka, 2012). For Muslims, the relation to Allah is important. They believe Allah created everything around, maintains it, and they should be thankful for it and should obey His will. Therefore, the Muslim identifies himself as a no one, besides the Muslim.

As for the question of meaning, the Quran says, “I did not create … mankind except to worship Me…” (Quran). Moreover, Allah created life, so everyone could be judged by how he/she lived and be treated after death accordingly. The morality in Islam lies in the guidance that Allah provides people with. Its aim is to make them close to perfection, divine beings. The destiny is also the will of Allah. Thus, we are free to make decisions, but those are considered to be made by Allah, and any of the consequences is also His will.


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Part two:

Christianity refers to Jesus Christ as a son of God and the prophet at the same time. He was born from an immaculate conception and lived as an ordinary child until the God revealed to him. The God himself has three manifestations: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son, Jesus Christ, came to save the humankind through his own sacrifice. The sacred text is the Bible.

The Christian identity lately found itself applied to anti-Semitist movements, as the Bible claims Christians are the chosen holy race. However, in reality, Christians appear to be in the possession of God, created by God, given the identity by God. Therefore, they should worship God. The meaning of Christianity is to proclaim God’s will, to accept him in our hearts, suffer from our sins. Moreover, after death, the eternal heaven waits for the Christians. As the human beings, Christians are considered weak and sinful, but with the will of God, they are able to fight it.

The morality in Christianity is to live as Jesus did: to treat each other as he would. The God created everything, including Jesus Christ, who was representing the view of the “good” way of life. The Ten Commandments were created to help the Christians avoid implementing their sinful desires.

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The destiny in Christianity presents the concept of Heaven and Hell as the places where all the souls go after death. Therefore, all the people, obeying Christianity, will be able to go to Heaven, the place of eternal glory. On the other hand, the people who are living in a sin and do not accept God will go to Hell, the place of eternal pain and suffering. The doom is an event after the second advent of Christ, after defeating the Antichrist and the Apocalypse, where every human will be judged according to his/her life. The judgment, however, is made according to the moral choices we make, so the free will exists in Christianity.



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