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Social Cultural and Psychological Functions of Prayer in Islam

A religion is a scheme of viewpoints that involves the adulation of mystic forces or beings. Religious beliefs offer shape and significance to individual’s awareness of the world. They also offer intellect which is sometimes viewed as muddled reality. Religions as well give thoughtfulness and implication for incomprehensible proceedings, such as dear ones who have died in a tremor, or other erratic forces of the natural world. Most devout citizens hold their attitude of the paranormal world as their core point of their religion. Psychology of creed consists of the purpose of mental ways along with interpretive accounts to spiritual mores, religious and profane persons.

Science attempts to precisely explain the particulars, genesis, and exploitation of sacred attitudes and behaviors. Though the psychology of belief was previously an insecure regulation as lately as 19th century, the three tasks have a narration dating back several years before the experience (Littleton & Engebretson, 2002). Prayer is an essential thing in the Islamic community. Recognition of tricky situations, transcendence of demise is a predictability improved personality during "righteousness" or dominance. The sociological purpose of prayers in the Islamic endorsement is conventionality in group dynamics, which means an augmented readiness to jeopardy or forfeit person’s lives. This offers great ties with the death denial or after life values of the individuals.


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Religions frequently consent to respect for leaders and regulations. Several creeds regard leaders as gods embodied, while others think that gods have "ordained" the leaders and wish for everybody to comply with them. On a local basis, religion habitually endorse esteem for parents and occasionally even unflagging compliance to them. In the case of slaves and servants, religion requires them to obey their masters.



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