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Introduction to Philosophy of Religion


Religious beliefs and practices result to different philosophical issues. The ontological stand is the most maligned argument. Theorists who support ontological argument claim that God must exist. The existence of the name of God shows that God exists. If God did not exist, it would be impossible to conceive the existence of God. This stand has critics who represent all theological stands: the non-classical theist Kant, the classical theist Aquinas, and the atheist Hume.


Religious beliefs and practices result to different philosophical issues. The ontological stand is the most maligned argument. Theorists who support ontological argument claim that God must exist. The existence of the name of God shows that God exists. If God did not exist, it would be impossible to conceive the existence of God. This stand has critics who represent all theological stands: the non-classical theist Kant, the classical theist Aquinas, and the atheist Hume.

These issues also ask metaphysical questions on the form of God and soul, and they also ask ethical questions about the relationship of God to moral values.


Existence of the name of God shows that God exists. If God did not exist, it would be impossible to conceive the existence of God. The ontological stand is the most maligned argument. This stand has critics who represent all theological stands: the non-classical theist Kant, the classical theist Aquinas, and the atheist Hume. Few people now defend the ontological argument, but this argument has not been abandoned.


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This claim is an imaginary one, and any person could come up with a similar claim. For instance, Gaunilo said that this claim could not be taken as true since people could imagine a lot of things. For instance, he introduced an idea of a perfect island, but Gaunilo said that everything has something greater than that thing. Therefore, for a perfect god to exist there must be another god greater than the first god. Thus, according to Gaunilo, this claim cannot be accepted.



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