Buddhism is one of the fastest growing religions, behind Christianity and Judaism and is approximately equal with Islam and Hinduism today (Perry, 2008). One of the reasons that can be articulated to this spread is because of the Buddhists believe that no individual has a soul and do not concern themselves with God or gods, thereby making it accommodating to most people. Unlike modern medicine whose predominant focus is on human physiology, Buddhist spirituality emphasizes on the balanced interaction between the mind and body as well as the environment (Phillip, 2007). Illnesses tend to arise, when this fragile equilibrium upsets and Buddhist spirituality aims to restore and strengthen this balance by reinforcing a deeper understanding of the central, subjective processes of life.
Buddhism spiritual therapy includes several practices among them meditating, extensive use of prayers and mantras, as well as belief in Karma and enhancing spiritual growth. we will analyze the effectiveness of Buddhism spiritual therapy over modern medicine by using probability sampling, which will involve both simple random and stratified sampling techniques (R, 2005). The first group will comprise of 50 practicing Buddhists, between ages 15-60, selected using the latter technique. This group will further be divided into subgroups, depending on the duration that they have been practicing this doctrine. Using random sampling method, we will select one more group of 50 other people. The subjects will be between the same age bracket as the first and will practice other religions and doctrines, save for Buddhism.
The same controls will be subject to both these groups. The parameters to be used in this study will include physical and mental health as well as their social well-being. We will measure physical health through the tendency of the body to fall sick as well the ability and time it takes to recover after an attack. On the other hand, by the subjects’ predisposition to succumb to stress and depression and their ability to recover from it we will measure mental health. By their ability to maintain peaceful social relations with other subjects within their environment, we will determinate their social well-being.
Through observation, interviews, questionnaires, we will collect and analyze data, and use it to make a final conclusion.
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