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The Welfare of Children

The target population that this policy was mainly intended for is the [parents. In modern day society, it has become a common occurrence for parents to live in utter disregard of their children. This Act states that children have a right to education, family and well as the provision of basic needs. This Act is aimed at taming rogue parents who allow their children to suffer as a result of their ignorance or utter disrespect of the law.

This policy provides incentives and necessities by the government through the funding of individual state programs. The government provides funding for supporting research, evaluation as well as technical assistance in the administrative issues regarding the welfare of children. Individual states are hence required to run parallel programs that support this initiative. The federal government also provides technical assistance such as organizing seminars for parents aimed at teaching citizens the benefits of good parenthood as well as bring them to the reality of child abuse and neglect that continue to exist in the society behind closed doors.


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What necessitated the need for stringent measures with respect to the violation of children’s rights is as a result of the rampant cases of child abuse. As history would dictate, the first juvenile court was founded in Cook County, IL in 1899 with exclusive jurisdiction of minors. Some few years later, the then U.S. president Roosevelt initiated the formation of the United States Children’s Bureau. What followed was the confirmation by the Supreme Court that the state had jurisdiction to intervene in family relationships in order to protect the fundamental rights of children. In the U.S. today, it is estimated that 1.3% of the children in the country are subjected to child abuse and neglect. Analyst also say that this figure is just an estimate and the actual figure maybe much higher.

the late 1970s saw an explosion of interest in child abuse, and physicians played a key role in this awakening leading to child abuse and neglect prevention act 250 0f 1982. Prior to the 1980s, medical schools provided little or no training on child abuse, and medical texts were extremely silent on the issue. The triggering event that eventually ignited child abuse and neglect prevention act 250 0f 1982 .interest was an article published in the late 1970s. In one of the magazine it was described six young children with subdural hematomas and fractures of the legs or arms. Although he did not state that any of the children were abused, Coffey hinted at it. Following Coffey’s classic paper, a small but steady stream of physicians drew attention to the abusive origin of some childhood injuries. Kemp played a leading role in bringing child abuse to national.

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For this reasons, the analysis clearly outlines the challenges that were addressed through the formulation of the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Act of 1982. The Act was enforced at a time when there was a dire need to address the societal challenges that were being faced in relation to this very great challenge. It is very clear that the stipulations that were included in the Act were all aimed at addressing the issue of child abuse not only in terms of sensitization but also in terms of prevention and the legal measures that need to be taken to address these challenges. It is therefore very important to note that the enactment of this Act was an important step towards addressing the challenge of child abuse in the society.



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