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The Snow White is a traditional fairy talethat is known from a number of countries in Europe especially Germany. The most striking issue about the two versions of the fairy tale is how the authors use literary elements that significantly change the story. One of the predominant literary elements used by the authors in both versions is theme.

This is evident due to the fact that even though both versions of the story begin with an aspect of love, the theme totally changes to hatred and envy. Over and above, this is witnessed from the step-mother of little Snow White, who was envious because of her beauty. Apparently, she eventually killed her because Snow White was more beautiful than her.

Another literary element used in both versions of the story to change the story is setting. Setting is actually the time, place, physical particulars and conditions in which an event occurs. In both versions of the story, the authors use setting as a literary element to change the story. This is evident in the way the setting shifts from a castle where Snow White lived, to the forest where the seven dwarfs lived. As a result, the story changes with the changes of the settings.


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Finally, another dominant literary element that is evidently used in both versions of the story to change it is personification. Personification is basically the attribution of human characteristics to nonhuman things. One particular case in point in as far as personification is concerned is the use of the wonderful looking-glass. The wonderful looking-glass is used by Snow White’s step mother on several occasions to tell who the most beautiful person in the land is. It is also used to change the story by propagating the theme of envy, since it was used by the Queen to know who was more beautiful than her.



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