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The new immigrant

Immigration to the US refers to the movement of people into the country who are not citizens of the country. This is however not a new phenomenon since it has been common over the years. The immigrants who had come to the United States in the centuries that have gone by have been given the credit for making the nation what it is today (Diner). The obvious question that begs itself is how the immigrants found their place in the United States in the First place. It is said that the idea of migrating to the US started as dream. Some of the citizens in other neighboring countries wanted to rule themselves by forming laws that would benefit them.

1 During the 17th century Europe was experiencing great political oppression that made it necessary for those who were oppressed to seek refuge. The French and Spanish empires were oppressing political dissidents and by the end of the century England promoted the US as a safe haven for those who were oppressed by their rivals. Most of the immigrants also came as servants.


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2 After the end of the First World War (1914-1918) legislation (National origins Acts of 1921) was passed which encouraged the free movement of immigrants from the north and southern parts of Europe.

3 This however lasted up to 1965 when the US started allowing a controlled number of refugees into the country. Some of these refugees were those from the Nazi German, those freeing communist oppression among other refugees.

4The economy of the US has been boosted by the immigrants who have come into the country for the past centuries. Some of the immigrants came as workers while others came as entrepreneurs hence bringing with them wealth of resources which has propelled the US into an economic power house.



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