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Constitution Democracy

Democracy could be regarded as the will and the voices of the people's majority, to decide on which government to govern them and, how they wish to be governed. This is usually commonly exercised through voting in a fair and transparent electoral process, presided over by an independent electoral body. The government of U.S has tried to ensure that democracy is realized to all citizens. However, the extent and the boundaries within which the desire of the majority are not to exceed are spelt out by certain laws entrenched in a constitution which serves to protect and administer the basic and legitimate rights of the minority who may have an opinion that is contrary to that of the majority (Magle, 2009). Is it the phenomenon that is observed currently in the contemporary society? This paper tries to elaborate how constitutional democracy is manifested in various spheres of our society as elaborated in this chapter one of this book.

Firstly, Constitutional democracy is the rule of the majority exercised in adherence to a set of laws in a constitution. These laws serve to provide checks and balance in order to ensure that the basic rights of the minority are not compromised (Magle, 2009). Democracy, whether constitutional or not, is not complete if it does not respect and, put the minority at liberty to express their views. However, the opinion on a variety of issues, however much they may be contrasting with those of the majority.


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Consequently, when democracy is exercised within the boundaries of a constitution, it is an indication that the voices desires and actions of the majority are not always right. Sometimes they could be championing for ideologies and ideas wrong and morally, spiritually, socially or even culturally unacceptable. On the other hand, the minorities are not always wrong in their opinion however overwhelmed they may be by their counterparts. For this reason the constitution comes in handy to guarantee them their liberty in a constitutional democratic government set up.

Democracy, more often than not, brings about power and authority, and whenever this happens, there is always a higher likelihood of those who hold views and opinions contrary to those in power to face oppressive rule. Constitutional democracy, therefore, as opposed to just a mere democracy ensures that those in power are not guided by there interests often coupled by their number when it comes to decision making in leadership but that they are guided by constitutionalism. This sees it that the Bill of Right is observed and individuals under the rule of a given government are not treated unfairly.

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In a government that is constitutional and democratically governed, all people are considered as equal before the law and no one is above the law not even the leaders in government, so the law applies fairly but firmly to everyone so that, even if it is a powerful person in terms of the position he/she occupies in leadership or, authority who engages in acts that are unconstitutional or, that are a breech of they the law, they are punished in accordance with law (Magle, 2009). The law in this context is of course the supreme law of the land which is collectively and, all inclusively agreed upon. This captures the views of the majority if not everyone.

Changes in the system of government and the constitution can at times occur due to changes in preferences as well as the prevailing environment. This is done in a referendum that includes the participation of everyone, who is eligible as provided for in the current existing law. Participation in this exercise should be without any undue discrimination or marginalization of anyone because of their status in the community or, their race or even their religion. Constitutional democracy is the kind of democracy that gives way to proper leadership which is of the people, for the people and by the people. This brings about an environment of political stability, steady economic growth and a peaceful one where even people belonging to different faiths, religion, race or even financial background can live and work together harmoniously. Such is the environment where academic excellence thrives and well equipped intellectuals.

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In addition, Citizens of a country that is under constitutional democratic system of governance, have the right to be taught and, enlightened on matters to do with their constitutional rights, what is expected of them as well as the leadership structures existing in their so that they are able to make proper informed. Stability in constitutional democracy set up, greatly depends on the effectiveness and sobriety of the judicial system that is in place (Magle, 2009). The constitution serves as a guiding principle in any constitutional government. The judicial acts as one of the arms the government, though independent from the government influence, it assumes the role of a watchdog but at the same time flexible to embrace changes.

Justice in constitutional democracy is paramount, since it provides a channel through which everyone can raise their complaints and concerns regardless of their status in the society. These grievances are assured to be listened to and, be given a fair and well deserved treatment. The process of justice also makes it possible for people under the leadership of a constitutional, to examine and critically analyze the conduct of leaders in government. This is to ensure that the government does not retain all he powers to itself but, those powers and other responsibilities are delegated to other arms of government and the citizens as well.

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The boundaries within which the constitutional government is supposed to operate and function, is provided by the supreme law of the land. The constitution also ensures that, dictatorial ruler ship does not occur in any way and, no single government made of the same individuals remains in power for an abnormally longer period. So constitutional democracy ensures that once the term for a particular government in power comes to an end, a free, fair, transparent and orderly transfer of power to the democratically elected new government takes place in a peaceful environment and that the periodic leadership term intervals are strictly observed.

In dispensing justice, the constitution ensures that the citizens, both the majority and minority regardless of their political stand, are treated with dignity as human beings and that no one is denied any of his or her fundamental rights. Any constitutional government is rated by how well it is able to achieve or, realize its mandate to protect the democratic and legitimate rights of both the majority as well as the minority. This should be accomplished to ensure there is effectiveness in service delivery to all its citizens (Magle, 2009). Constitutional democracy ensures the government of the day, takes it upon itself to ensure that its citizens are well equipped with what it takes to be able to work and live as individuals who are civilized. The politics being played by such a democracy are healthy and mature with virtually no incidences of violence, negative ethnicity, racism as well as constitutional anarchy among many other disorders.

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In conclusion, with the state of the current affairs and the extent of civilization globally a constitutional democracy does not fail to take into much consideration issues of gender sensitivity when it comes to education, job opportunities, leadership as well as other responsibilities and privileges. Constitutional democracy allows anyone their gender not withstanding to voice their views and, to take part in in important decision making process which affects their life in one way or the other. A well structures constitution when adhered to will have a positive impact to its citizen. This would see a given nation propelling to greater heights in terms of political ideologies.



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