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Public Speaking

The writer of the paper has done an extensive research and has written a particularly sturdy work concerning the aspects of public speaking. Public speaking is not an easy task as it involves winning both the trust and the attention of the audience. The author has acknowledged various forms of speeches that an individual can make, depending on the circumstances that the person is facing. There are speeches that one will be supposed to make either to motivate, to persuade or even to entertain a person, or a group of people. There are different ways of delivering the information through the speech.

The writer of the paper has clearly explained how he could easily win his audience through the facial expressions, gestures and other methods of non-verbal communication that he used to ensure that the audience is kept interested and active throughout the whole period of speech. The way the author describes how he made the speech is also remarkable; the perfectly used English language, especially the descriptive words of the speaker, are excellent. In fact, the paper is a recommendation to all the public speakers, who intent to have a lively presentation and always catch the attention of the audience. The other merit of the paper is that the writer has made it abundantly real; while reading the paper one can feel like he is actually a part of the audience receiving the speech, as every aspect of the speech has been made real and entertaining.


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On the other hand, it happens at times that the aim of the public speaker, concerning attention and satisfaction of the audience, may not be gained. The way the speech is made may not draw the maximum attention, and the audience can get bored, not getting any sense from the speech.



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