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Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to the action of extreme factors, some intractable or threatening situation. During stress, the body produces the hormone adrenaline, which forces the body to survive. Stress is a normal part of life, and it is even necessary in certain quantities. However, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (2012) noticed that stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body. For instance, psychological stress is associated with greater risk for infectious diseases, heart disease and depression. (“How stress influences disease: Study reveals inflammation as the culprit”) In particular, Professor Sheldon Cohen (2012) stated the following:

When under stress, cells of the immune system are unable to respond to hormonal control, and consequently, produce levels of inflammation that promote disease. Because inflammation plays a role in many diseases such as cardiovascular, asthma and autoimmune disorders, this model suggests why stress impacts them as well. (“How stress influences disease: Study reveals inflammation as the culprit”).


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Shepherd (2012) stated that chronic stress in adolescents has a stronger effect on the brain than in adults, but not that much is known about the cause and effect taking place. ("Chronic Stress In Adolescence.")

There are external andinternal stressors. Major life events and daily hassles can be determined as external stressors. For example, lack of sleep, job dissatisfaction, relatives, car breakdown, arguments, gossips, problems with children and many other problems. Internal factors include man`s beliefs, perception, expectations, low self-esteem, expectations.

Besides, all stressors can be divided into physical (illness, smoking), work stressors (low pay, workaholic), psychological (loneliness), family stressors (relationship difficulties), environmental (pollutions) and social stressors (poverty).

Sign of the stress is not synonymous with the symptom. Symptom is any subjective sign that the patient may interpret as a rejection of his health from normal. Sign of the stress is the objective evidence of it, which is obvious to all.

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In accordance with Medical News Today (2009), “there are three broad methods one can follow to treat stress, they include self-help, self management, and medication.” ("What Is Stress? How To Deal With Stress.")

Besides, there are a lot of simple techniques to reduce stress. In order to reduce stress man should identify stressors, eliminate unnecessary commitments, stop procrastinating, get organized, quit multitasking, avoid difficult people, simplify life, help others, eat healthy food, be grateful and many others methods. Undoubtedly, stress will be reduced after using these methods.



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