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Payment of Medical Bills

Medicaid issignificantin the payment of medical bills for the poverty stricken individuals. However, poverty is not the determining factor towards an individual’squalificationfor Medicaid. Medicaid iscriticalfor the disabled, blind people, pregnant women and children (Peltz, 2007). The individuals qualifying for Medicaid are of the lower income brackets. Medicaid facilitates medical treatment to those individuals who have no ability to pay their medical bills. This has the effect of lifting the burden of medical bills from the individual to the state.

Medicare iscriticalto thesociety,since it caters significantly to the elderly, and people who are permanently disabled (Peltz, 2007). The burden of medical bills is in these cases catered for by the program. The elderly and the permanently disabled people have nomeansof earning any significant income. Therefore, they are not capable of covering their own medical bills. The Medicare program assimilates these individuals in the program's medicalcover.


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Private insurance issignificantlycommon,since most people prefer to buy their own health insurance. Private insuranceis tailoredto the needs of the individual and thecapabilityto pay. Private insurance can be acquired through anindividual’sjobor the private insurance market (Mehta, 2008). Theeffectof private insurance towards the individual is that; when theoccasionarises where medical bills are due, the insurance company steps in and caters for all medical billspayable. This has the effect of lifting the financial burden from the patient to the insurance company.

Patient pay relates to the amounts anindividualcontributes or pays towards their medical bills. The deductions made to an individual’s income towards a medical health planconstitutepatientpay(Mehta, 2008). Patientpayrelies on the patient’s ability to pay their bills; however, patients may default in payments due to one reason or another. An individual takes theresponsibilityof any deductibles, co payment amounts or co insurance payments towards their medicalhealthplans. These reduce the financial burden in the event that a medical problem should arise.

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The given methods or programs thatentailpayment of medical billsare aimedat providingthe soundhealth plans for all individuals. Medical health plans arecriticalto all individuals; therefore,provisionfor health services is essential. The ability to pay for andsustaina health plan differs from individual to individual; hence the necessity of the given health programs and plans.

The Medicaid program plays a significant role in the health of poverty stricken individuals. A significant portion of the population is at or below minimum wageincomebracket. Medicaidis tailoredto cater these groups essentially the disabled, blind people, pregnant women and children (Peltz, 2007). Medicaid facilitates medical treatment to individuals with the inability to pay their medical bills.Though this program aids in lifting the medical burden from the individual to the state, the general effect, is equitableprovision of the medical service to all. The disadvantaged in societyare not marginalized; therefore, thestatefulfils itsobligationfor maintaining a healthy population.

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Senior citizens areproneto the number of medical issues due to their age. The Medicare program aims at providing for these groups of individuals. However, for an individual to beeligible,he or she must be over the age of sixty five or anyindividualwho is permanently disabled (Peltz, 2007). The state realizes that the elderly dependsignificantlyonpensionprograms, which areinsufficient, tocoverfor medical costs incurred. The effect of Medicare is ensuring that the elderly and the permanently disabled have a medical healthplanwhich eases theirburden.

Private insurance aims at facilitating the medical care to customers when the need arises. Private insurance is a business like any other which is profit-oriented. Theclient’spromptandadequatepaymentof premiums ensures that medical billsare paidon their behalf by theprivateinsurance company (Mehta 2008). However, medical paymentsare madewhen anindividualmeets the stipulated terms of the policy and laws of the private insurance. Private insuranceis tailoredtowards theneeds of the individualand thecapabilityto pay. Theeffectof the private insurance is catering for all medical billspayabletowards the policy holder, while easing the patient’s burden of bills payment.

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The Patientpaysystem ensures thateligibleindividualsmaketheessentialcontributions towards their medical programs adequately. The deductions made to an individual’s income towards a medical health planconstitutethe patientpay(Mehta, 2008). Patientpayaims at ensuring that the patient takes the responsibility for their medical bills. However, in the event that a patient defaults in payment, he may be discharged or transferred because of the failure to pay the required amounts. Patient pay has the effect of deferring liability to the patient in the event that paymentsare not made.

The established health programs and plans aim at easing the financial burden in catering for medical bills. Each programis definedby its own laws,ruleand regulations in theexecutionof its mandate. The general consensus in all programs is to provide the medical services to their intended subscribers. The effect of these programs is ensuring that medical services are available to all where and when needed.



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