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Nursing Research

Nursing research a progressive inquiry geared to build trustworthy evidence about critical issues in the nursing profession, including nursing practice and ethics. In the field of nursing, research is pertinent as it provides the basis of evidence that supports nursing practices (Abdrbo 2010). For a long time, an evidence-based area of practice has developed making many nurses work as researchers based in higher institutions of learning and healthcare settings. This approach of evidence-based practice nursing has grown out of the confirmation supported by the nursing association. Cullum (2008) notes that evidence-based practice can be an invention or idea that necessitates the integration of the superlative research proof with nursing proficiency and serene unique standards and circumstances.

Nurses play a vital role in the provision of health care to patients by demonstrating core values like trust, faith and hope, sensitivity towards patients, support, support and promotion of transpersonal care and fulfillment of human needs. Additionally, the transpersonal nurse conveys a concern for life by seeking to connect with the patient through embracing their spirit and soul and viewing them as a whole regardless of their illness or disease.

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For many decades, caring, nursing and research have always been synonymously linked to each other as a noble profession. This is where nurses have continuously committed themselves to the provision of comfort, support and love to patients. According to Draper et al., (2008), the nursing practice is mainly directed towards promoting and maintaining health and wellness of patients, preventing diseases and illness, and helping individuals face death with dignity. In addition, nurses make use of a problem-solving approach in determining the patient’s needs, by asking them how they feel and what they are ailing from, to show empathy and competent care to them. In showing love and care to patients, nurses compile data that shows the health status of the patient. They also analyze the data to diagnose actual and potential health problems to provide correct curative measures.

Importance of nursing research

The evidence-based approach is crucial in nursing. It helps nurses put up clinical and nursing choices using current superlative research proof, that is combined with accepted strategy and nursing plan, clinical knowledge, conclusion, and patient inclination. Wood & Haber (2010), both agree that research allows professional growth by giving the most accurate tools and opportunities to build the nursing specialty. It creates a leadership characteristic for a nurse and mentorship ability

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Nursing research has changed the practice of nursing through the development of relevant bodies of training that boost their operations. Research has brought new ideas embraced by nurses thus helping to improve their service delivery. Nurses have a positive approach to new knowledge and are motivated to take proper care of patients. With the understanding that nursing is a calling, they always have to deliver their best.

According to Peteva, (2011), research helps nurses to understand the need for accountability in their decisions and positions toward different aspects of nursing. They are involved in the making of decisions that would affect patients either positively or negatively. In line with research, nurses became more effective in the making of relevant decisions aimed at delivering the best and averting any form of ethical dilemmas. They also become more thoughtful in their decisions.

II. Bedside nurse and nursing research

Nurses at the bedside are very crucial in the healing process of a patient. According to Bontrager, (2008), they are the ones who know the patient best. They have the opportunity to tell what has worked and not. In addition, they act as the informants to the families of the patients due to the bonds they build with patients. The findings obtained from doing research provide a strong foundation about what should be done for patients every day. The availability of evidence-based data is utilized to find the new effective ways and mechanism to evaluate, assess and deliver nursing care.

Bedside nursing is crucial for the life of a patient. It leads to increased patient understanding of care and involvement. It also lowers patient and family anxiety, decreased feelings of “abandonment” at shift changes, improved accountability of nurses, improved teamwork and interactions, and decreased possibility for mistakes.

Braden scale

The Braden Scale is a tool used to predict pressure ulcer risk. Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom developed it in 1987. Its purpose was purely to assist health professionals, particularly nurses, assess a patient's risk of emerging pressure ulcer (Wood & Haber 2010). The tool assesses a patient's risk by examining using six criteria.

Sensory Perception: This factor measures the ability of a patient to detect and respond to distress that is linked to pressure on the entire parts of their body. The ability to realize pain plays into this grouping, as the level of consciousness of a patient and therefore, the ability to cognitively respond to pressure-related discomfort.

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Moisture: Excessive and persistent skin moisture pose a risk to the efficiency of the skin function by making the skin tissue macerated hence at the risk of epidermal erosion. This medium assesses the level of moisture at which the skin is exposed.

Activity: This focuses on the level of physical activity. A little or no activity encourages atrophy of muscles and collapse of tissues.

Mobility: In the mobility aspect, the capability of a client to acclimatize their body position independently is focused. This evaluates the physical proficiency to move including clients.

Nutrition: The nutritional aspect of a client is assessed by examining the normal patterns of daily nutrition. Consuming portions of meals or imbalanced nutrition indicates a high risk in the category.

Friction and Shear: This assesses the amount of assistance a client requires to move and the level of sliding on beds of chairs experienced. It is assessed because the sliding motion can result to shear. This is interpreted to mean that the skin and bone are moving in contrary directions leading to breakdown of cell walls and capillaries.

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Goals of magnet care

Magnet status is an award given to healthcare institutions that meet a set of criteria geared to measure the quality and strength of their nursing. The award is given by the (ANCC) American Nurses' Credentialing Center: an affiliate of the American Nurses Association. A Magnet hospital is an institution where nursing delivers outstanding patient outcomes (Ellis & Hartley (2012). Here, nurses have a high level of job satisfaction and experience a low staff nursing turnover rate and suitable grievance resolution mechanism. It also indicates nursing participation in decision-making and data collection in patient care delivery.

Magnet nursing leaders value staff nurses and involve themselves in building research-based nursing practice. Nurses are encouraged and rewarded for advancing in nursing practice. Magnet hospitals are required to have open communication between nurses and other members in health care settings. They should possess appropriate personnel to attain best patient outcomes, and a peaceful staff work environment. All Nurses are encouraged to learn about the values of Magnet certification and consider suitable nursing certification programs for their hospitals.

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Nurses are required to be well equipped with emerging skills of taking care of the patients. They have to do most of what is to be done by a doctor. This calls for the nurse to be keen to cope with the increased responsibility. Communication skills are fundamental in the nursing profession. The safety of the patient heavily depends on the level of communication between the nurses the doctor and the patient. To start with, the nurse must learn all the communication mechanisms used by  patients with diverse ailments. This will help the nurse know how the patient is feeling so that the doctor will determine the type of medication the patient requires.The communication between the nurse and the doctor ensures that the patient receives the best of care from both parties. Communication between the nurse and the patient will ensure that there exist an opportunity for the nurse to constantly reassure the patients that all is well by giving the hope and consolation which is much needed during the recuperation period.

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The practice of nursing is crucial because it helps to save the lives of individual through effective treatment. It is vital to note that nurses and military officers played the key role of providing medical assistance before the evolution of the modern nursing practice (Harrington (2010). The continued need for nurses called for investment in research in the field of nursing purely to improve overall care. Research entailed a systematic provision of evidence to support the practice of nursing and ensure that effective care is delivered to patients from all genders and races. Therefore, early researchers wanted to ensure that they would present significant solutions that would help both patients and nurses in the field of nursing.

It is believed that through research, nurses would become better caretakers at the bedside. More so, it was believed enormously that enhanced research would motivate nurses to work harder and ensure that many lives are saved through effective care to patients. Therefore, research was also focused on promoting technology in the nursing practice and ensuring that nurses are equipped and are ready to take effective care of patients. Therefore, research in the practice of nursing has been an on-going practice aimed at changing the practice at the bedside through better delivery of nursing services.


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