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America's Current Medical Record Systems

The problem with America's current medical record systems is that most of them are paper-based making them ineffective in communication and accessibility. A high number of patients make visits to their doctors, with each American making approximately 4 visits on average every year. This leads to having a lot of paper work on medical records piled on shelves. The medical information is therefore not arranged and examined systematically thus making it difficult to share information among the practitioners in the field.

Another serious problem is the cost. United States spends about $2 trillion on health care. This waste is the main cause as to why the United States has the greatest expenses on its medical systems in the world. Among these wastes are frauds, duplicate test, unnecessary care, medical system mistakes, administrative inefficiency, redundant paperwork, and paper-based health records systems. The wastes would be considerably put to an end by investing in a nationwide health care record system guided by standardized record styles, and participation of all parties in health care offering industry.


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Pros and cons of the current electronic patient records.

The disadvantages of electronic patient record are that it will interfere with the patient’s privacy, have no control over private medical data about you and will be incapable of restricting its distribution. Your medical information will be easily accessible by most of the workers in the medical sector, which one will never have a chance of meeting. This means that one will be unaware of people who have ever gotten access into their medical records and what they might use the information for. Electronic medical records are vulnerable to the security violation meaning that and no federal privacy protections for patients who set up health records online will be put in place.

The use of computerized health records will enable applicants to be able to accept information from many different record system storage technologies which is currently in hospitals and other institutions. This aims at making patients’ records easily accessible, complete and to make it efficient in record keeping. The Health Information Technology is estimates to create over 20000 jobs and pay itself an estimated saving of $75-100 billions.



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