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Abortion and Mental Health

The authors of an article write about problems that women in violent relationships face especially when they are forced to have an abortion. The authors states “Men aged 18 to 35 years (n=1318) who completed assessments of perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV), abortion involvement, and conflict regarding decisions to seek abortion” (Silverman et al. 1415).

The authors’ thesis statement is “Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a major public health issue that affects the lives and health of approximately 20% to 25% of adolescent and adult US women with women of reproductive age at greatest risk” (Silverman et al. 1415). Abortion has been a controversial topic since time immemorial. Women abort because of various reasons including inability to support or care for a child, being in violent relationships, termination of the unwanted pregnancy because of unstable mental state. Another influential factor may be pregnancy due to incest or rape, which may force a woman to prevent the birth of a child with severe genetic defects or other medical problems (Silverman et al. 1416).


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My interest on the topic of abortion stems from the fact that I have a cousin born with birth defects. My aunt faced a great ordeal in her life when she was robbed and raped by a gang as well as was left by her violent boyfriend. She suffered so much stress and even opted to abort. However, the church, which she was a strong member, strongly advised her not to do it and even threatened to excommunicate her if she would not change her plans. This forced her to keep the pregnancy under so much stress that when the baby was born, she could only breathe with the aid of a machine. The brain, skull, and limbs were also not well developed, and the doctor said that the chances of survival were minimal. It broke my aunt’s heart that after she was cured, she could not really call her as her own.

More research should be done on whether it is healthy to keep a pregnancy especially for women undergoing so much stress in their lives and those who have violent relationships, whether they are married or unmarried.



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