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Organizing Function of Management Paper

Organization function of management determines the overall success of the developed plans and marketing (production) activity in general. The ford Motor Company is a giant car manufacture in the world depending on successful organization of human resources and monetary assets. The company which generates revenue of about 146.277 billion (2008) and manages 87,700 (US, 2008 employees in the USA depends heavily upon organizing function of management.

The analysis of HR management shows that the central idea of organizing is very simple -- it is that planned activity is more effective than unplanned activity; that HR factors, regardless of their variability and situational differences, can be organized, and that a company to a considerable degree can help shape its own destiny it can manage its staff. Yet HR management is a relative late comer to the organizing organization. At Ford, organizers design the pattern of activity intended to achieve various goals and direct the commitment and utilization of HR resources through time. Having both short-range and long-range dimensions, organizing is concerned with the integration of short-range programs and goals with intermediate long-range goals (Rothbanner-Wanish, 2009).

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At Ford, organizing refers to the management of human action that molds events goals that are reached as a result of planning. Corporate destinies are not merely natural events; they can be the result of planned marketing activity. HR and monetary aspects are closely interrelated. Thus, HR organizing might be defined as the group of activities performed to both determine and carry out company objectives, and to help specify objectives and alternative courses of action designed to achieve them in the belief that without organizing activity, a less desirable event would occur. Good monetary activity has as its base adequate marketing intelligence, particularly position, environmental, and projected intelligence. For establishing objectives, choosing alternatives evaluating situations, and estimating effectiveness, monetary issue and programming require adequate information. Owing to the availability and use of computers, the application of mathematical models, better sales forecasting procedures, and a marketing orientation, organizing is improving and will probably reach a high point when fully integrated business intelligence centers provide sufficient information in a useful manner. Monetary issues present a picture of the external business system. It should cut across various departments and functional activities; it should deal with short-run, intermediate, and long-run situations; it should consider emerging patterns and trends; and it should use past information to glimpse the directions and dimensions of the future. One of the manager’s main problems is to determine the information needed for effective organizing (Namara, 2010).

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Ford has excellent organizing strategy based on effective time management and allocation of resources/ Organizing activity (in HR and monetary issues) is closely related to budgets, since they stress the profit and cost expectations of alternative marketing programs. Rooted in marketing plans, budgets become their financial expressions. Budgets are also used to control and implement plans. There are several reasons for the increasing attention organizing is receiving. First, the availability of improved marketing intelligence has facilitated organizing activity (Namara, 2010). Second, utilization of the computer and various mathematical models has made an impact. Third, managements are becoming more scientific and organizations are now more complex with a broader diversity of products. Fourth, business outlays are larger and risks are often greater, all of which factors necessitate organizing. Budgets are both organizing and control mechanisms that, although essential to control (particularly cost control), serve as a balance between organizing and control. They refer to future periods of time, and translate company plans into financial resources. They furnish a guide for future expenditures, and by helping to guide actual performance toward budgeted performance, assist in the achievement of objectives. Budgets establish expected relationships among a number of factors in need of control, such as expenses for advertising, product organizing, personal selling, and product development. They may be thought of as short-run aspects of organizing. Through a check of actual against budgeted performance, discrepancies can be noted, the reasons for them analyzed, and the need for adjusting marketing activity pointed out. This activity provides management with the basis for sound marketing control. Even where standards are set, however, it is not expected that performance will correspond exactly. Rather, tolerances are established and corrective action is taken when performance falls outside the range of tolerance. Thus the quota of sales calls per salesman per month may be 95, and a range of 90 to 100 might be tolerable. Budgets serve to keep the marketing mix in balance, for it is through them that expenditures on diverse marketing activities are kept in line with the overall plan. Budgets integrate and coordinate marketing activity and marshal marketing resources to realize desired outputs. Given estimated sales, the anticipated expenditures necessary to generate and support the sales volume are presented. Though, since sales and expenses are interrelated, forecasts in turn depend on supporting marketing programs (Rothbanner-Wanish, 2009).

In sum, Ford, Motor Company recognizes that organizing is really the process of management forethought it refers to activities concerned with the achievement of marketing objectives at some future time. By sequencing and balancing activities, organizing determines events not through momentary reactions to pressures for decisions, but by the logical consideration of the operations themselves. In HR area, organizing relates to time because markets are inherently concerned with temporal factors. In monetary sphere, market potential and purchase decisions presuppose a specific period of time. Organizing efficiency is measured on the basis of sales or profits over time, and marketing programs are laid out in terms of a time period -- a quarter or a year. Though, the time aspect may be considered in another way. At Ford, organizing rests on the sales forecast, which is a consideration of future events. As a result, organizing is involved in the determination of expectations. Because he never knows what is going to happen, the planner must deal with contingencies. The question, what would happen if markets or competitors' strategies change in a specific manner, is extremely important.


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