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Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

To begin with, 1995 Auto Corporation based in central Colorado is a family-run manufacturing business. It is within its context that an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy has been brought into view. This has resulted from several observations of points in the company of which only an Equal Employment Opportunity Policy can correct. At this point, it is important to define the meaning of an equal employment policy. Equal Employment Opportunity abbreviated EEO when used in a business context in the larger point of view it covers the relationship that exists between the employer and employees (Connolly&. Connolly, 1979).In the same line of thought, every Human resource manager in an organization is obliged to the responsibility of ensuring the existence of an EEO policy. This is for the reason that in case of an accusation of the employer by an employee regarding discrimination or harassment, the policy should reviewed. This is to suggest that every EEO policy should be in line with the law that protects the employees from discrimination by the employers and other employees in the workplace. Before an exploration of so much to do with the EEO policy, it will greatly help to bring into view the state of affairs in the company. The company manufactures emergency lighting systems for first-responder vehicles (police cars, ambulances, fire trucks) in the emergency services industry.At present, the organization consists of a production facility which now has 88 unionized production employees and two administration offices with 22 non-union employees. 1995 Auto Corp. is in the development of opening a production facility in Toledo, Ohio which will have 31 non-union employees. This is an indication that the company will not only consist of unionized members but a rather a diversified workforce. Accordingly, the situation adds more responsibility to the Human resource manager to redefine the EEO policy as he or she will be obliged to carefully adhere to the EEO policy while hiring more employees. It also means that there is need for him to avoid cases of discrimination while hiring as they may lead to court cases that may result to great losses.1995 Auto Corp. has been in service as a sole proprietorship by R. Shaffer for 18 months. At the establishment point, the company owner did not predict such a model augment in demand for the product. As a result, she did not apply for unemployment insurance, pay for a general legal responsibility insurance policy, or acquire a worker's compensation policy as she planned to use her own family members to run the business. Above the last 13 months the company's organization has developed, due in part to its insistent hiring strategy and need to administer production demands.In spite of the company's rapid growth, the company does not have a committed human resources department. Instead, the company's owner handed over human resource administration duties to the production operations manager (POM). As a result, the POM's knowledge of human resource policy, performance, and instruction is very inadequate. This automatically translates to the fact that the services of the Human resource manager are required. Following this limitation, it is clear that the application of an EEO policy by the POM is limited as his or her knowledge is inadequate. As such, operation of the POM as the human resource manager may lead to court cases that may lead the company towards making great losses. This is due to the fact that he may not handle the issues of employees with care as it is required by law. As a result, this may jeopardize the operation of the company altogether.

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Notably, as the company continues to expand its operation, the owner perceived an increased employee grievance cases. Such cases, needs the attention of the Human resource manager in order to resolve them when questioned under the law. The owner predicts, due to the lack of human resource administration experience, certain legal consequence of under-managed employees.As the human resources legal consultant, contracted to provide recommendations to 1995 Auto Corp. I am obliged to ensure that the Company's HR policies and processes are in conformity with local labor, state labor, and federal labor statutes. This will make the company to be free of inquiry and trial with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). At the same time, I have looked at the current hiring practices and have established the fact that the company needs a defined EEO policy. In actual fact, the hiring practices have violated the provisions of the EEO policy as it is provided by law (Connolly& Connolly, 1979).I presume that due to the fact that the business is a family run manufacturing company, it has been based on relationships that may discriminate the outsiders. Accordingly, the differences between the unionized and non-unionized employees may lead the company to more problems than anticipated if a well defined EEO policy is not put in place. As a matter of fact, provisions of an EEO policy in the presence of a family run company may not be easily assimilated. This is due to the fact that the owner or rather the employer may not treat a family member as he or she would to an employee who is not a family member.EEO policy requires that all employees be treated in the same manner and equally. No employee should be discriminated or harassed on the foundation of color, race, class and nationality among others if he or she is qualified in the job application (Repa, 2007). 1995 Auto Corp. is growing at a very fast pace and an insistent hiring plan has been established. This will require a solid EEO policy to avoid employment lawsuits. Court case decisions with regard to developing an EEO Policy applies when one has violated some of this laws. As it has been highlighted, I have noted a problem with the hiring practice of 1995 Auto Corp as well as the fact that human resource services that are given to this responsibility are limited. I would therefore recommend that a solid EEO policy is put in place to avoid cases of breaking the law that protects employees. At this point, one may demand to know the meaning of an equal employment opportunity. In actual sense, EEO means the nonexistence of prejudice or a less complimentary treatment in employment based on a point such as sex, race, age and disability among others. In simple terms, it is a fair employment law for all employees without biasness (Buckley, 2008, p.43). When an employee complains about harassment or discrimination to any rule agency, the first reaction is to review the EEO policy of the organization. If the policy has a flaw it can lead to serious costs to the company of which a good EEO policy would otherwise eliminate.

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According to law, it is required of every employer to ensure that the EEO policy includes a security stating that the employer will not slot in an illegal discrimination against workers or applicants. As such, the policy should be set in a way that it will adhere to provisions of anti-discriminatory laws like Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Fundamentally, the Equal employment opportunity led to the establishment of the Title VII of the civil rights Act of 1964 which prohibited inequity in workplace on the basis of color, sex, race, religion, disability and nationality among others (Repa, 2007, p.253).In line with this, it is unlawful to discriminate anyone in workplace. Following this point, I would like to provide a solid EEO policy sample that would work for 1995 Auto Corporation as it will follow and as provided. In this context, the sample will start as: it is the continuing policy of 1995 Auto Corp. to provide an equal opportunity employment to all employees and applicants. In connection to this, the stipulation is in regard to race, creed, color, nationality, religion, sex, citizenship, age, disability, pregnancy and any other cosseted sort such as sexual orientation and marital status among others. In fact, the policy relates to all judgments of employment. As such, they include the employment, appointment training, promotion, benefits, compensation, termination and all other circumstances of employment. Needless to say, 1995 Auto Corporation will not put up with any conduct aimed at threatening, distressing, or otherwise discriminating in opposition to any employees on the grounds of the provisions provided (Buckley, 2008). In case of any complaints or a feeling that any one's rights have been violated, information should be directed to the immediate supervisor and the human resources director for consideration. Accordingly, the above provisos of 1995 Auto Corp. policies are in agreement with federal, state and local equal employment opportunity values and other as such laws.With the example of 1995 Auto Corporation EEO policy , the Equal employment opportunity commission forbids the discrimination of employees in all sectors in connection to hiring, termination of service, dismissals, promotions, wages, on-the-job-training, and corrective action. The EEOC is charged with putting into effect the various federal statutes written to proscribe employment discrimination. The EEOC is charged with imposing the various federal statutes written to prohibit employment discrimination and thus the 1995 Auto Corp. is committed to adhere to the provisions of these statutes (Staleup, 2005).The statutes are none other than the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Therefore, I would recommend this policy for 1995 Auto Corp. as it would help the company to be free from court cases.One may question the usefulness of the policy but just to mention a few, the policy will protect the employees from discrimination by the employer as well as discrimination of an employee by another. Moreover, the non-union employees will benefit from the policy in that though they are not unionized they can be treated with fairness and they can have a basis for lodge their grievances (Sisk, 2006). The policy provides room for the employees to realize that they are protected and cared for in terms of being provided for an environment with a fair go.Again, the employees will be able to take legal action on the company if they are unfairly treated as defined by the EEOC written statutes. Generally, the EEO policy is designed to achieve an assorted and skilled workforce, improved employment right of entry and involvement by EEO groups and a workplace culture presenting fair workplace practices and behaviors. For those employees who are non-union members in Toledo and Ohio, they will find an easy way to fight for their rights and as well integrate in the company community without being threatened by discrimination as it is illegal(Sisk, 2006). For the unionized members, they will also get helped in that they will have a fair ground to fight against discrimination when it arises.Generally, an establishment of an EEO policy is a great step towards eliminating discrimination and providing room to take an affirmative action policy when required. Also a diverse and skilled workforce, improved employment right of entry and participation by EEO groups and a workplace culture displaying fair workplace practices and behavior will be realized. Both the union and non-union locations will benefit from the EEO policy by having an equal opportunity to access job promotions, in-job training and other related aspects. Furthermore, hiring, termination of employment, layoffs, promotions, wages, on-the-job-training, and disciplinary action will be applied on equal grounds of a fair go for all employees.


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