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Critical Incident Management

This essay paper will deal with the various roles that scenario-based planning plays when it comes to how the security and justice departments use it to influence their institutional strategic management decision especially when it comes to dealing with management of some critical management incidences in the organization (Dickersbach, 2010).

Critical incident management is defined as any kind of event that is able to sufficient stress and impacts on the standard and effective skills of an individual, group or even an organization. Such events have a strong effect on emotions even of the well-trained and experienced individuals because they are typically sudden and very powerful, in nature.

The occurrence of critical incidences can be minimized by applying scenario-based planning which is also referred to as scenario thinking or scenario analysis which is basically a strategic planning method which is applied by organizations to make flexible long-term plans which are intended to manage sudden and powerful occurrences that threatens normal operations of such institutions. It involves the classic methods that are used by the military intelligence and other security and justice organizations. Scenario- based planning involves generation of simulation games about facts in the future for instance demographics, industrial information, political, geography, military and minerals reserves and are used by policy makers to make decisions on possible management actions (Mason, 1994).


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Today the threats of terrorism is felt throughout the world coupled with the fear that people living under the constant threat of manmade disasters as their numbers keep on rising each an every day. Many security organizations and law enforcers have been increasingly challenged by such potential threats to moving more rapidly and effectively to dealing with casualties that result in the event of such crises (Ringland, 1998). Examples of such incidences include the 9/11 terrorist attacks on world trade centre, the Katrina disaster in New Orleans, the bombings in Oklahoma Olympic games, the transit bombings in London and the recent disastrous earthquake in Haiti.

The use of such scenario-based polices has influenced the security organizations in many ways for instance, it has enabled them to use various models to bringing about the possible scenarios that helps in creating order and return to normal functionality of many processes that include safety if its personnel involved, financial security and the various ways that such organizations are able to solve any possible problems.

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Security organization have also been influenced by such strategic management as it has helped them reach a consensus on bringing forth ways to handling the possible problems through possible causal factors instead of having to react with uncertain immediacy when events not premeditated occur (Ringland, 1998).

In addition to that policies derived from scenario-based planning have ensured that the direly needed services by the victims of such threats are delivered to on time and with in sufficient quantities hence leading to improved reputation of the organizations involved. This is because it has led to saving of many lives and property as solutions is preplanned before time.

Such planning has also influenced the way security organizations have strategize on planning for tactical training making officers to respond reflectively and this has therefore led to improved safety of officers, subjects and even victims at the crime scenes.

Finally such scenario-based planning also has some potential shortcomings like possible damage of organization's reputation and hence should only be used as a valuable complementary tool instead of making it replace the direct administrative control and oversight of the tacticians involved in management of emergencies. However, it is advisable to mitigate occurrences of critical incidences which would affect normal operations in an organization by formulation of policies and procedures. Such proper planning would be used to simulate effect of such incidences and recommend the most effective way to deal with it incase it arises. These are effected to ensure normal operations of the organization is not affected at all.



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